Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, March 1, 2021

A good day for my friends and myself

Are you tired of my orchid friends yet?

This sweet one has two stems of blooms...and the flowers know to not bump into each other.

Maybe my Kalancho buddies are saying hi also...they strive to catch any sunlight they can!

The other day I finally changed the water in the fish tank (there are 4 tetras in there somewhere). I decided to let them look at mountains as a backdrop, and haven't put the plastic plants back in. It was getting kind of full of algae, so I am trying to limit the amount of time I have the light on. 

Wintertime is actually when sunlight gets closest to hitting the tank, not directly, but enough to help that algae along. I am pretty tired of this little chore honestly. But I might be interested if I could get some guppies...I like them because they have babies, and I can save them from being eaten by the big fish...so that's kind of fun. These tetras are totally boring. But if I want to de-stress, there they are!

And surprise...from a plant based lunch. My sandwich has sprouts and some veggie patty that I browned a bit, and veganaise (vegan mayo), and I ended up putting the rest of the sprouts on the other side of the sandwich. Yummy! Chips aren't exactly on my diet, but that's how it goes...I do one good thing and another is not so good.

Today's quote:

 We must dissent from the fear, the hatred, and the mistrust. We must dissent from a nation that buried its head in the sand waiting in vain for the needs of its poor, its elderly, and its sick to disappear and just blow away. We must dissent from a government that has left its young without jobs, education, or hope. We must dissent from the poverty of vision and timeless absence of moral leadership. We must dissent, because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better. 

-Thurgood Marshall, US Supreme Court Justice (2 Jul 1908-1993)


  1. Hello,
    I love seeing your pretty orchids, lovely blooms and plants. The mountain background looks great in the aquarium. Some times you have to treat yourself while on a diet. Have a happy day and a great new week!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting here! I love seeing other's house plants, and critters in their lives...for you there are a multitude of birds to enjoy and share!

  2. Your orchids are making me want to try them! Are they difficult to grow and keep?
    Both my brother and husband kept schools of tetras, just because they were so colorful and lively, and black mollies because, well they are black and pretty.

    1. I saw black mollies at PetSmart the other day...may just give up and get some. I've repotted 2 of the orchids...and will purchase some of the bark for the newest one to be repotted sometime after it stops blooming. They seem pretty easy, because I just leave them out on the porch railing all spring, summer and fall.

  3. I wouldn’t want a fish tank, but I wouldn’t mind orchids. We don’t really have the proper environment for them. And we have a cat.

    1. Ah, good thinking. Dutchess (I think that's your cat's name, might not want to share a sunny window with a pretty flower. I don't know that they are poison for cats. But if she's like my cats, it's fun to knock stuff over.

  4. ...we had a fish tank years ago, the fish were fun to watch.

    1. If these were bigger, or more color contrast, they would be fun to watch too. I don't like that brown gravel...they just disappear against it.

  5. A powerful statement by Thurgood Marshall. Your photos of orchids may just persuade me to get some. I was almost tempted the last time in Home Depot.

    1. Why not? I was drawn to one that's got a different color combo. They just are big green leaves when they stop blooming.

  6. When I was growing up we had a large fish tank with lots of fish. I had forgotten all about the guppies. We loved all those baby fish!

    1. The genetics of guppies is fun to watch...different colored tails on the males that appear within a short period of time.

  7. Wonderful quote. Fish are a lot of work, which I didn't expect when we had them. Plants are a temptation for my cat, but I love looking at other people's indoor beauties. :)

  8. Love the quote! Yes, our country has to do better, especially after this pandemic is finally in control and we need to rebuild what we lost.
    I have no luck with growing Kalancho. They never bloom for me. Perhaps my home is too dry? I try to mist my plants frequently but they just don't do well. My favorite plants are cacti as they love the dryness.
    I tried a vegan diet once and lasted about 6 months. I felt great eating that way but found it hard to maintain when on a vacation trip. Potato chips are a fun side fro a sandwich--I'd never turn them down.

  9. I use to have an aquarium years ago. We had lots of guppies, angel fishes and some others. One time we got some convict fish, they are black with white stripes, and they attacked all of our other fish. Use to nibble at their tails and eventually the fish couldn't swim fast enough to get away. So the convicts took over and we gave them all up a few months later. That was it for the fish. We had three cats too at the time and they loved sitting and watching the fish swim. When they got close to the window where the cats were, the cats starting wacking the tank. It was funny seeing them go crazy. It was a fun experience having all the fish along with the cats. :)


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.