Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Two places I won't be visiting again soon.


I may have mentioned the last time I went to pick up a to-go dinner at the Trail Head I was dismayed by all the people not wearing masks at the bar, where you pick up your to-go dinners. Not going back till this plague is over!

I was more interested in the new store right next door...something about an Oak, but I didn't get a good shot of their sign...enjoyed their pretty windows though!

Another store with lots of candles, soaps, herbs and scented things...which I am highly allergic to, so I looked quickly and then left.


I got a kick out of garden markers made by old silverware. One says "Seas the Day."

Today's quote:

A harbor, even if it is a little harbor, is a good thing, since adventurers come into it as well as go out, and the life in it grows strong, because it takes something from the world, and has something to give in return. -Sarah Orne Jewett, poet and novelist (3 Sep 1849-1909) 


  1. Good choice. I probably won't post today. I have topics but not much motivation.

    1. I finally found your yesterday's post...it didn't come up on my usual list. OK. Have a nice day off from blogging!

  2. ...there are few places that I visit these days. Those garden makers are cool.

    1. I did think they were cute...though I doubt that I'd use one outside...it would probably just walk away.

  3. We don't go to many places either. Wearing a mask is handy in smelly shops and washing powder aisles

    1. Yes, I was surprised I could get around that store in my mask. It was funny to be the only person shopping (or at least looking). The clerk kept watching me like I was shoplifting. No way!

  4. You made a good choice about the carry out spot. We haven't done carry out in ages.

    1. I was glad to read that several restaurants now have a 10 min. parking spot designated for those doing carry-out orders. And another person on our Board of Alderman suggested to keep the restaurants in town in business, to order one $21 meal to go each week. I don't usually spend that much, but I don't mind getting one dinner to-go a week...and I usually do patronize the local businesses.

  5. I understand not visiting a place where people don't wear masks. Ugh. I'll be so happy when we all have been vaccinated.

    1. And so for a while those who've been vaccinated can look just like the folks who don't wear masks. Well, it will sure be a while before I get mine...still don't even have an appointment yet.

  6. Good for you--stay cautious! It's still not safe. Even after I get my second shot, I'm avoiding crowds. It's sad to se people relaxing too soon.

    1. Some folks around here still believe it's a hoax unfortunately. Wish I had an appointment for my vaccination already...still impatiently waiting.

  7. I agree with you 100%. That's part of the reason I don't even want to do pick up. (although I do for groceries, but the shoppers are masked)

    1. I may do some grocery orders to pick up from now on. At least till I get my vaccination. I've heard the new strain of the virus was found in Charlotte NC yesterday. Won't be long before it gets here. I'm hunkered down for at least a couple of weeks...except for exercise and picking up to-go orders.

  8. One of my colleagues has started to post Google reviews of premises (in our case supermarkets as all restauranst and non-essential shops are closed) that allow non-masked people in and/or where staff are lax about masks themselves. It certainly worked.

    1. Good idea. I had thought I'd go to the laundromat early today, but will have to do it tomorrow...early is good to avoid more people.

  9. The only place we visit is the grocery store where everyone is always masked.

    1. Yes, more and more people in grocery stores are wearing masks. Restaurants are of course not masked to eat.

  10. I'm with you! I stay out of places that don't insist on masks and I'm allergic to fragrances. Sadly, even a mask does not protect against perfume.

  11. You would have thought that by now mask wearing would be second nature, wouldn't you?


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