Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Back to the cold creek


I waited till the roads were clear, and indeed we'd had a night and a new day before I made it to Flat Creek.

I only walked on the areas with stone paths, or the driveway with some stones, since there was a lot of mud (what happens when snow melts!)
There were also many places where snow remained. And it was a good 10 degrees colder next to the creek.

Melted snow doesn't make for many artistic photos, but I liked this little fern that somehow is still green.

The little bridge crossing the creek has new railings from this last year. It was more picturesque when it had Rhododendron branches for railings.

Down the road to the left is a maintenance yard where various trucks are parked.

The calm water from where I was standing across the creek to the flat part of the bank represents a ford which trucks go across regularly. Many of them help keep the roads clear in Montreat NC.

The Nitroglycerin that I carry with me at all times...to remind me of my heart attack and that I might have another one that hurts worse than the first one.  I may very well have another heart attack...so I know some things I can change...like going for more walks, and eating a plant-based diet, and losing some weight! Some are harder to do than others! 

Today's quote:

In both mysticism and physics, there is general agreement that ‘things’ are constructed by our nervous systems and that ‘realities’ (plural) are better described as systems or bundles of energy functions.
—Robert Anton Wilson


  1. You are keeping to the travelled paths like us. It is good to get out.

    1. Yes, even on the day it snowed, as soon as I saw the roads were clear, I had to be out. I said to one of the few people I saw, I just needed to be away from four walls for a while.

  2. Hello,

    What a pretty walk I like the views of the creek, bridge and the pretty fern. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen...I do like that little creek and the walks along it.

  3. ...making important health changes sure can be hard.

    1. Yes, some parts are harder than others. I'd say losing the next 10 pounds (without getting sick) will be a big challenge for me.

  4. Reading in my overview sort of way I first read Montreat as Montreal.

    1. Yes, just one letter and about a thousand miles different!

  5. I love seeing the snow there. It's so lovely from a distance.
    My sister just got her first Rx for Nitroglycerin after having a serious heart issue arise suddenly last week. Not a heart attack, but an EKG revealed some blockages and problems. More tests in the very near future.

    1. I hope your sister end up having a good solution to hear heart problems. Fortunately this area of medicine seems pretty well funded and they've got many solutions. Not all the tests are enjoyable however. I've taken a couple of Nitro pills, before I was told to wait till I felt real pain. Since I didn't have chest or back pain when my heart attack happened, I never felt the symptoms that everyone (even women) have.

  6. I think walking is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Not just for the exercise and the fresh air, but also for mental health.

    1. You've hit the nail on the head. Just being outside doing something in fresh air, seeing whatever there is of nature around you, is certainly calming at the same time it can be stimulating.

  7. A very nice area to take a walk. I love the views of the creek and the bridge.

    1. Thanks. It is a nice quiet place, but frequently other walkers come there also.

  8. Great walk. Good for you taking care of your health. I hope you never need to use that nitroglycerin.

    1. Thanks David, me too about having pills I won't have to take. Just like an insurance kind of.

  9. A pretty path to follow this time of year.

    1. Thanks William...I like just getting out for a walk most days. Sunshine helps too!


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