Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Around home


The clean half of the kitchen.

As my friend Martha said, it's a working kitchen. Still lots to do on this half of the kitchen!

Another view of my apartment. Whenever the sun is shining in my bedroom, I usually find an excuse to lie down and enjoy the vitamin D and warmth. Here I was checking some facebook news out on my mini-iPad.

That's the wonderful south facing window in my bedroom. 

Today's quote:

We need to re-orient our lives to be in constant resonance with
The Silence.  We have to rediscover lost realms, and at the same time, clear away our deeply engrained desire to live by what others have said, rather than discover inner truths for ourselves.

Robert Sardello
From: Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness


  1. Replies
    1. The messy side is the dishwashing side of things...and some dishes had already been washed and were in the rack drying. Another sink-load was about to be done...as well as more to do later!

  2. Hello,
    Since covid started I have been a neat freak, everything must be in it's place. It is weird, I have not always been this way. The second photo could be me reading my kindle. I love the last window shot, your plants look pretty. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

    1. Oh, I am just the opposite of you...have just let some things pile up that don't need attention right away.

  3. A kitchen mess would not be tolerated for very long around here, but half of it looks very good. :)

    1. I can only cook so much, then have to wash the pans and bowls before starting again. Of course once the kitchen is clean, that invites me to go use it again!

  4. ...like our kitchen, there is never enough counter space!

  5. We always have to keep our kitchen counters clean because of the invasive Argentine ants that absolutely love clutter. They're a good incentive, but I wouldn't wish them on anyone!

    1. I've lived places with sugar ants (very tiny) which establish themselves everywhere food is available. I am used to having ant motels stationed around where they come inside. But I don't know about Argentine ants.

  6. I have a bit of kitchen clutter, which I kind of like. It makes it look homey.

    1. The sink side of the kitchen either has dishes just washed, or some waiting to wash. It never seems to be clear.

  7. Sitting in the sun is such a pleasure! Don't feel guilty about soaking it in while lying in bed!

    1. I do love to capture a bit of leisure lying there in the sun. As the sun is at the lower angle in the sky, it hits the bed. By summertime it won't.

  8. Replies
    1. It is great to look through most of the time! At night I usually pull the blinds down.

  9. We have the same problem when cooking, not enough space. We clean it up so it can get backed up again. :)
    Nice window view!

  10. Oh to have one half of any room sorted....

  11. A south facing window for your orchids. I was wondering what light they were in. Your violet is really liking that window too.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.