Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Snow patterns from here


Different kind of bushes collect snow differently...looking down from my balcony.

If we don't try to make sense of the patterns, the shapes and design are kind of nice.

Even a tiny balcony offers an interesting set of straight lines against curved sidewalks.

My glimpse of Blue Ridge Road (where you might see a yellow line) at least showed me that roads were clear to drive on...which I did a bit later.

I love when snow is captured on the many branches outside my windows...as well as a bit on the grass.


I have also been thinking of what changes I have experienced as I now live through Post-Trump-Trauma time...not only just having hope that many of the horrible things he did have been reversed...and not only to have his Impeachment Trial in the Senate (which is about to begin as I write this).

I now no longer have to hide from the news, with the daily expectation when watching my news broadcasts that I'd be shocked by yet another something that was absolutely false coming out of his (the orange one's) mouth.

I can enjoy listening to the Press Secretary answering questions with sane answers.

I can also let myself be angry with all those people who believed in him and his tricky manipulations.  For now I'm really pissed that they supported him and made the rest of us live for 4 years with our only hopes being expressed in "persisting" or "resisting" the non-governance that was happening.  I can also know that McConnell will continue to be an irritation for me! But he may perhaps be willing to make deals for the things he wants, and compromise sometimes.

Today's quote

And lest we forget...

"To Donald from John Pavlovitz:

You became the flag they could proudly wave in defiant hatred of so many.

You’ve made bigotry, misogyny, and racism socially acceptable again and that has been a kind of twisted gift because it’s allowed me to really see people; not as they pretend to be on the surface—but in the very depths of their wounded, weaponized hearts.


You voiced their phantom oppressions, gave credence to their hollow grievances, justified their inherited prejudices, validated their ignorant phobias, and made their fringe ideologies go mainstream.



  1. Hello,
    Pretty snowy scenes, you have pretty views! I have followed John Pavlovitz posts and agree 100% with all his words. It is so nice to have a sane press secretary, one who speaks the truth. Take care, have a happy new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen...times have certainly changed and I'm very hopeful that the government can do what the Constitution designed it to be able to do.

  2. Good observations about snow patterns. The are the type of observations that I am incapable of making.

    1. I look at your photos and feel you are quite capable...so am not sure about why you think you're incapable of making these kinds of observations.

  3. ...John Pavlovitz is a breath of fresh air!

    1. I sometimes don't agree with him, but here I certainly do.

  4. Love the snow patterns there.
    And yes to this new post-Trump era. Yes!

    1. Yes indeed. And I keep finding more things that are easing along, which I didn't even have awareness of having become defensive regarding. Hope for eventually getting a vaccination against Covid.

  5. I love the snow patterns--and the Pavlovitz quote!

    1. You have more snow usually...and I somehow think you live at a higher elevation than Black Mountain. I'll have to look it up sometime.

  6. Wonderful snow patterns, good observations.
    I agree with Tom on Pavlovitz, he is a breath of fresh air.

  7. Snow is beautiful in general. It makes everything look decorated and clean. I have also enjoyed and agreed with the writings of John Pavlovitz. Do I think we're finished with Trump and the Trump cult? Unfortunately, no.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.