Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, January 30, 2021

More on Cherry St.


The reflection is showing us not only myself, but the whitish building with all the windows...that's My Father's Pizza. A very popular local restaurant.

I thought about going in to Periwinkles, but will do it another day.

And my Sepia Saturday post is over on "Living in Black Mountain."

Today's quote:

This is not a time of mere change. This is a time of transformation, and transformation comes not out of scarcity but out of the context of possibility, responsibility, and sufficiency.



  1. Hello,
    Love the window reflections, the first one is a great selfie. The pizza place sounds good, I love pizza!
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. I love pizza too...and I'm on a heart healthy diet, so no cheese please. Or maybe someone has come up with non-fat cheese on a pizza! Right! Have a safe weekend!

  2. ...Cherry Street looks like the place to be.

    1. I know...and there are at least a dozen more shops that I didn't stop by on this outing!

  3. Black Mountain is such a charming town--glad to see so many shops surviving the pandemic.

    1. It's really good to see them open for business. I ran into one which closes last week of Jan. for the staff to have a vacation.

  4. Cherry Street looks like a nice place for a sunny afternoon walk.

    1. Yes, though I was there on a kind of misty rainy afternoon. Once the tourists come to town, I'll not be shopping in town. They arrive on holidays, and whenever school's out. So I don't know what that will look like this year!

  5. There are many cute shops there. I inadvertently take selfies in reflective surfaces. (usually when my hair is looking at its worst)

    1. Yes, lots of fun to window shop. I am pretty covered up with mask and hat. Only my best friends might recognize me!

  6. Replies
    1. THanks...I am always surprised to find them back at home. I seldom notice them when clicking the photos.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.