Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday with changes happening

Several influences on my mood today. Apartment is being inspected by the owners. I haven't felt up to doing much to tidy/clean, and am so low in energy with frequent coughing that it will be the way it is.

Seeing The Albatross movie again yesterday left me with some deep feelings of connection with all life.

Suzanne welcomed everyone and explained what the Climate Conversation group was.

It was also good to see several old friends from the Swannanoa Watershed Network group...as well as some people that nobody knew that just heard about the movie.

Yet a strange thing happened. I remembered some scenes that were no longer part of the movie. How could that be? Maybe I'd seen some background material after my first viewing over a year ago. But I could have sworn these scenes happened. And I didn't leave the room at all yesterday, so they were just gone.

And that is one reality I'm dealing with. The movie was being streamed from an internet source, so someone could have edited it.

I'm returning to the clay studio later this week. So I need to get my tools together. This is a reality I've been hoping for, but am just sitting here thinking, tomorrow. Well, girlfriend, it's Feb. 1 this week!

A Yoga Cat from several years ago...doing the Eagle Pose, given to my yoga teacher, Deb Vingle!

I finished (after slow several pages a night) in one afternoon reading Ruth Ozeki's "A Tale for the Time Being" where some weird time slips happen, with dreams included and quantum physics thrown into the magic.

If these time slips hadn't happened, between Ruth being a reader of a diary and the actual events written about in the diary, the book wouldn't have worked.

So now I'm paying attention to life (thanks to Albatross) and wanting to make Mandalas to reinforce my feelings of connection between everything, and knowing my dreams aren't as vivid now that I'm not having the fevers. And throw into the middle of that the mundane house inspectors, and my hopes to work in clay which are still in the realm of fantasy but need to be brought into reality soon!

 But I want to hang onto the magic. Please.

Today's quote:


  1. Hope the inspection goes ok.
    Films get edited to be shorter...are people's attention spans shortening so that they do this for them?

    1. I got up this morning to do last minute prep. Took a dish towel and my feet to the worst spots on the kitchen floor! Now breakfast over emails and blog reading, and I'm as ready as I can be this time.

  2. I hope all goes well with the house inspection! I hope you feel better! Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. THanks for good wishes. Hope you have a great week seeing some pretty critters!

  3. I have re-watched some shows where I have been very sure that something or other had occurred. But it hadn't.

    1. I believe it was closer to 2 hours the first time I saw it...and now is just 1-1/2 hour long. It had less scenes that were gruesome...but there was still enough. But being an art film, lots and lots of beautiful shots of ocean, beaches, birds flying!

  4. Toes crossed you have a wonderful time at clay tomorrow! Love Yoga Cat!

    1. I am staying inside today, as long as it takes for inspection. Clay will be after Thurs. Thanks for toes crossed.

  5. The anonymous comment above is by me suzi/smartcatšŸ¤­

    1. You're the first person I knew to say toes crossed, many years ago in your blog! And "we shall see, grasshopper, we shall see."

  6. Good luck with all this. I just had a dizzy spell, and went to bed. It was weird. I cancelled my hospice client. I don't want him getting sick(er).

    1. Geese, you can't get sick! All those deer and cats depend on you! Joking of course. I do hope you are ok.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.