Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, January 8, 2024

How laughing at the victims give you a sense of...

 I've often been amazed at how very politically incorrect jokes are laughed at, howled over, give tears in the eyes, side splitting responses by crowds...whether at a comedy club or now so often seen when Trump gives a speech.

President Biden has a sense of humor, but he's not got what it takes to bully the weak, to denigrate those less fortunate...he even gave this in his Jan 5th speech...

"Trump and his MAGA supporters not only embrace political violence, they laugh about it. At his rally, he jokes about an intruder whipped up by the big Trump lie, taking a hammer to Paul Pelosi’s skull and echoing the very same words used on January 6th: ‘where’s Nancy?’ and he think’s that funny. he laughed about it. what a sick—. my god. I think it’s despicable, seriously. not just for a president, for any person to say that — but to say it to the whole world listening, ugh."

When the bully continues his insane noises, why are those people (MAGA identified) so enamored of him? I used to think of it as locker-room jokes...with many a push at women and blonds and even disabled people.

But now I seriously think there is a movement of people without shame, who are releasing all their hatreds from childhood into their push to have this warped entertainment continue, especially at the expense of the "authorities" or "parent figures."

As Jeff Teidrich said:

Trump, who by the way was speaking in Iowa, in front of a group of people who had only the previous day lived through another horrific school shooting, actually told them to just get over it.

that’s just horrible, surprising to see it here. but we have to get over it.”

“get over it” — there’s your Republican answer to every one of their atrocities. did your name mysteriously vanish from the voter rolls? too bad. was a ten-year-old child forced to give birth to her rapist’s baby? shit happens. did someone in your town gun down a bunch of children? get over it.

So are all MAGA, and by extension most GOP people just reverted children who don't really want any responsible people to take care of 1. our government's running, 2. our country's position in world affairs and 3. each other's law abiding citizens?

Yep, they may not even want laws. Unless of course to limit the rights of women's choices, or to enable them to continue their juvenile gun-toting (drinking or drugging as they wish) ways.

But wait. The rule of law does continue. All those 91-Counts against Trump will eventually prove him wrong. In the public eye. The mob tatics will find an end...no more death threats to election officials, court employees, family members of anyone who has spoken out against him.  No matter how many jokes the bully makes with his friends, he get's sent to the Principal's Office and we all hope Trump gets sent to jail.

Can you just imagine the other inmates? They'll probably rally around him, and he'll continue his comedy routine.

Today's quote:

He who allows oppression, shares the crime.

 -Erasmus Darwin, physician, scientist, reformer, and poet; grandfather of Charles Darwin (1731-1802)


  1. That man let loose the worst of us.

    1. Seems politicians everywhere are more crazy these days, but he takes the cake

  2. The "Get over it" comment was very terrible. I feel for the victim's families. The man just does not have any empathy, he is a narcissist. We should not be that surprised at what comes out of his mouth. I would like to see the man in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. Take care, have a great week!

    1. There are many other rambling statements made by him. How on earth anyone with half a brain could want him to be the President again is just boggling.

  3. ...when you lose your sense of humor, you have lost everything.

  4. I suppose that the former president is panicking at the idea of being sent to jail and he’s pulling out all the stops to try to foment a revolution. He knows he will not win the popular vote because he never has.


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