Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Let's just get angry !

 We've sat around hiding all the awfulness of the world from our attention long enough. I may wish peace for all, but I do have eyes to see.

I think anger is a great motivator for action. Think about that for a minute, but not long enough to cool down. It's really needed to make plans for 2024. Real efforts to tell truth to lying bastards and gullible followers.

Need more proof that your right to plan your family is in the GOP’s crosshairs? Look no further than the fascist agenda the Heritage Foundation has cooked up for Donald Trump or whichever Republican might occupy the White House in 2025. It’s not just about setting up a dictatorship that will exact revenge on Trump’s enemies: The Project 2025 agenda includes ending universal access to birth control under the ACA, stating that the “contraceptive mandate issued under Obamacare has been the source of years of egregious attacks on many Americans’ religious and moral beliefs.”

quote from: 

need emergency treatment if you’re pregnant? Fifth Circuit orders doctors to let you just fucking die

and by the way, the shitheads are also coming for your birth control

 Issue ONE: womens' right to choose (to stay alive)

get angry. stay angry. and vote.

I want the “let’s punish Joe Biden” crowd to think very hard about whether or not they want to give God’s Own Emperor for Life Little Donny Fuckface — or any future Republican president — the opportunity to appoint more corrupt bought-and-paid-for Federalist Society hacks to our nation’s courts.

because you know they fucking well will. 


Issue TWO: LGBTQ+ Rights (for everything!)

Celebration (of a kind) for some good LGBTQ+ news.

Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk whose refusal to sign marriage certificates for same-sex couples grabbed national headlines in 2015, has lost her bid for re-election to the Rowan County clerkship. The Republican lost to Democrat Elwood Caudill Jr., 54 percent to 46 percent.

then she wound up on the losing end of a lawsuit.

A federal jury has awarded $100,000 to a same-sex couple who sued a former county clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue them a marriage license, claiming that doing so would violate her religious beliefs.

and yesterday, a judge ordered her to cough up over a quarter million dollars to cover legal fees.

Kim Davis, the former county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky to same-sex couples, must pay a total of $260,104 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented one couple, according to a federal judge’s ruling.

justice, it’s what’s for breakfast. 


Jeff Tiedrich


More issues to be angry about, and make plans to voice that anger publically...to not stand/sit silently by while these RIGHTS are subsumed. We must fight for DEMOCRACY! 

How about gun control? And the environment and climate change? I won't even go into the world politics where wars are raging.

So sayeth this octogenarian female who can speak volumes via the internet.

What about you? Where's the spark within you that has been carefully tended while the last 7 years have happened?


  1. I get angry, I just hope and pray that the election goes in the right direction for democracy. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  2. ...and to think that my father fought against fascism in WWII, I'm glad that he is here to see this.

  3. The Christian Nationalist agenda is both strong and insidious.

    1. You said it. We sure need to assert ourselves whenever the opportunity arises, and make it arise!

  4. I hope that anger brings Democrats, Republicans and Independents to the polls to oust tRump sooner than later.

    1. I hope none of the independents suck votes from the two major parties. A vote for an independent just gives it to the person you least would like to see in office!

  5. Hi Barbara, I actually despise politicians from both parties as well as many of their extreme policies and proposals. The problem for me is that there is no middle ground...no moderate, 'willing to work together', centrist force. My prediction is that King Donald will win the Presidential race but the Democrats will control one, or ideally both houses of Congress, thereby castrating Trump and stopping much of what the radical right or radical left would do if they could. The problem with this scenario is that the US won't make any progress on key issues and we will further decline in the eyes of the world. It is a sad and somewhat terrifying situation... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Well, you have a gloomy (but pragmatic) view of things. I would rather spend the next 10 months working to assert Democrats in local as well a national seats. If my district has been gerrymandered out of possibility, I'll find one that is still on the fence, and work to get votes there. I'm not going down without a fight! It takes just a little effort from each one to make that difference. Not going to sit this one out! My life, and many others, depend upon it.

    2. It is awful. I wish both Trump and Biden wouldn't run. I don't understand Republicans.
      Here, in Canada, I wish Trudeau wouldn't run, either. Not because he hasn't done well, but because of all the hate and anger by Conservatives. We need a fresh start.
      Thank you for your thoughtful posts.

    3. I wondered what the Conservatives in Canada are doing that's so like the Cult of Tea Party trained Repulsicans here. There is a high level of hate mongering definitely. As well as biased news reporting to give them plenty of coverage and their rhetoric of liberal blaming here!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.