Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A personal note

 Well, since last Thursday's lunch out, myself and one of my friends have come down with a cold or something. Mine didn't start till Sat. and as usual goes right to my chest, so I've been doing nebulizer often to clear things out...saline solution does draw out mucous for me.

Of course 2 COVID tests, day apart, all negative.

And so I've canceled going to the Senior Center this week, till I feel better. And that's ok, cause I didn't have anything really eventful happening this last full week of January. Our temperatures are rising a bit today.

I sometimes have splitting headaches, and some woke me in the night. Speaking of temperatures, I sometimes have a low grade one (100.1 F). So I took my standard Tylenol. I've certainly had some doozies of nightmares. 

One morning I woke up so jealous of a relative, that I could feel my blood pressure sky-rocketing. Whew. Loving someone doesn't give me the right to own that person...as I've always known. But the feeling of having been purposely hurt by them, whew! That was sure a zinger of a feeling! I have been very surprised when people I love can turn mean. It certainly changes my opinion of them.

So along with diminishing expectations on others, while still loving them a lot, I'm checking if I would feel terrible hurt if they had more interest in another. Mostly no. Clear on that in real life. But also, I've sure lived that scenario before. Please never again. You know about Karma and Darma, don't you? Well, maybe I can't keep them straight.

Today's dream included some tiny fairies, who I asked to stick around while I woke up and got out of bed. I don't think that worked.

When the fevers are gone, my dreams will be the usual silly ones.

Today's quote:

When dealing with negative people, we can choose not to respond to their behavior and allow our positive behavior to be an example.


  1. Hello,
    I hope you are feeling better! I can fully understand the feeling of being hurt especially by a relative, worse if you do not understand the reason behind the meanness. I do not like conflict or drama or bad dreams that keep my awake. Take care, I wish you well. Have a wonderful day!

    1. I guess the dream helped me discover that when I'm asleep, I'm vulnerable, and have no emotional protections.

  2. The dreams or thoughts we have upon waking can be very powerful.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    1. This morning I woke up handling tiny little plant boxes, and putting them neatly in rows, but on the floor of a gym somewhere, and I knew it was a senior citizens home, because they were even singing something like "There's no Place Like Home." Not the tune I expected either. The plants all looked pretty dead too, sigh. Great way to start the day!

  3. ...take care and be well soon.

  4. I'm a retired RN and was taught that you shouldn't take medicine to reduce fever until the fever has reached 101*F because the heat below that level is fighting the germs or whatever is making you sick. Wishing you well!

    1. Well, funny that all my doctors and nurses tell me to take Tylenol at the drop of a hat. But what you said makes good sense. I did go through a sweat phase yesterday, but today the 100.3 fever is back upon waking. I am waiting impatiently for coffee right now.

  5. Hope that you are feeling better soon, Barbara and staying home to rest sounds like the best plan. I don't recall many dreams and maybe that is a good thing. The quote was right on because I have experienced some negative comments in recent weeks, but choose to ignore them. Unfortunately, family was involved.

    1. Thank you so much. I think this fever thing is the same that I've had at other times in winter...related to the weather somehow too. I don't have any more cold symptoms, but my fever comes and goes. I've been doing minimal household chores, and find that my stamina is washed out, which is a feature of the recurring fever.

  6. I'm about to try a COVID test. All the best.


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