Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Remembering my move to the appartment in 2015

Original  Post: Oct. 7, 2015

 There were a hide-a-bed couch, and huge dresser moved in constant drizzle or even harder rain.  Special people are dedicated to their friends enough to come through for this! (I gave away the heavier pieces of furniture!)

I can't name them here, because they really need a break and don't EVER want to do this again!  But hopefully they'll read this and know how much I appreciated them.  Especially "T"...oh, and the other "T"...and of course "C".

Joaquin (Hurricane) helped also, by continuing a deluge in Black Mountain which started the night of Sept. 24, a Thursday...and he didn't arrive until Saturday.  It's still raining or foggy as I write this Sun. Oct. 4 in the evening.
Things just lying where they may in new apt.

We're both working on our gadgets while drying off and resting (son, Tai pictured here).

So everything I've moved got damp or wet, or was tucked into blankets to help keep it dry.  We didn't even bother with pickup trucks, which several people offered.  We fortunately had station wagon and van as dry transport...and we loaded them both up for several days, several trips each day.

wet maple trees as seen from my tiny pocket balcony.

Yep that's it.  Probably won't sit outside, because I have plants that I want to get sunshine...they are waiting to come to the apartment tomorrow (as I write this).  It will be nice to have sun shining in the big new windows in the apartment! 
*Note in 2023: the leaves on those maples mean no sun shines in the windows except after leaf fall, and before spring buds!

And it's been refurbished completely, so this is the new kitchen...before I move all my stuff in.

Yes this outhouse has a five-holer...though I am pretty sure none of them are functional. All the appliances were replaced, and many showers (except mine).

The apartments where I just moved have been under rennovation for months now.  A few have been finished, and mine almost is.  At least the plumbing is complete!

Oct. 8 2015 Post: The Village:

  • Cathy loaned me a hand truck which saved my back (for a while).

  • Several people helped by taking things that were too big to keep...Jessie and her daughters have the 30 gallon fish tank, Tim has the hide-a-bed couch.

  • Patti didn't even know me but volunteered to pack after church one day.

  • Pat took my shift as a volunteer at the BMCA studio so I could keep on packing.

  • Teresa came for coffee and ended up packing pottery, several weeks before the move, continuing weekly afterward to unpack.

  • Helen packed once, then loaded her car full and carried the boxes inside the new apartment.  She then packed again, and offered me a love seat (yet to be moved until I find two able bodied volunteers.)

  • Pam packed and packed and packed the kitchen things.  Just get one more little thing into this corner of this box! (And these boxes have not all been unpacked by 2023)

The mascot of the move...a slug which came inside on the tarp, which never got dry enough to use!
  • Susan cleaned out and swept the shed area which would have been hard for me to breathe sweeping...and then she carried the trash around the house.

  • Tim did much more than remove shelving...carrying things...getting soaked.

  • Molly packed pottery for me, then came back on one of the short hours when it wasn't pouring rain and carried all my clothes over to the apartment, as well as the boxes!

  • Chuck was so wet moving things he said the water had seeped inside his waterproof boots down the legs of his trousers so his socks were soaked.

  • Jim offered to help late in the day after a meeting he was scheduled to attend, and called to see if I still needed him, during the deluge from Joaquin, but after all but the very last boxes had been moved.

  • Charles and Chuck lugged the big old mattress and box spring out to the curb.

  • Tai, well you've probably read my prior post of great appreciation for a guy who traveled 800 miles to schlep his mom's old stuff a mile each way in pouring rain.  (In a vehicle of course!)

  • Gail offered me a twin bed frame and dresser which would fit in my new apartment, from her home in Marion..which were carried downstairs and then into the apartment by my dear special friends and relations!

For this old lady...I have a heart so full of gratitude.  And lots of unpacking to do!
If I forgot anyone, it's my poor brain, not that you didn't give me wonderful help!

More posts:
 No longer will I have a studio space at home.  I'll be working at the Black Mountain Center for the Arts CLAY STUDIO entirely.

New apartment has lots of built-in shelves for pottery display!

NOTES from 2023:
Living together for just a few weeks before Muffin crossed the rainbow bridge. It was hard for all of us to adjust to the new apartment, single bed for 3 after the queen had to go. Bed that is.

I got pneumonia myself after Muffin had died. What a wild ride the first few months were as I acclimated to living in a hive of apartments.

Panther was with me another year and now I'm without cat. It's good for my breathing not to have to deal with litter, but I do miss a Purrbaby.

Today's quote:
Life is full of buried treasures. Chances are, you’re sitting on some right now.


  1. ...moving is a pain! I hope to die in the house that we now live in.

    1. I said that about 4 moves ago. I do have that hope of course.

  2. Hello,
    Moving is not fun, especially in the rain. I miss my dog, but I do think I will have another at this time. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Yes moving gets worse if rain is there too. At least you have granddogs who you babysat for a while.

  3. It’s good that people helped you. I am not looking forward to my next move, and I don’t know where it will be. I don’t feel that my current location is good for my health, nor is it ideal for my dog.

    1. Those concerns do matter. I am currently rearranging furniture so I don't have to sleep near the bathroom where I think there's mold in the walls. Have others do all the work for you, when you move. I wore myself down and then got pneumonia. Not worth that!

  4. Should I move, it may not be until next spring, if that. There were problems in the building that have been resolved.

    But should I move, I'd hire a company.

    1. That's the way to do it. As a rather low paid person most of my life, I've only once had a company do the packing and moving....thanks to a new employer who was footing the bill.

  5. An interesting read, given that I've recently decided to attempt to do the same. I've found a flat I like, my house is up for sale but there is a lot still needs to happen before moving becomes a reality. Fingers crossed! It feels wise to try and 'future-proof' as much as one can, rather than live in denial of the aging process. Then we can get on and live life to the fullest, with peace of mind.

    1. That's a good way to approach things...considering what our next few years might be like. I remember being offered an appartment with 5 stairs to reach it, and I declined. They said I'd go to the bottom of the waiting list. But then another apartment was available and it also has stairs to it but I liked that it was on the top of 2 floors and had windows on the trees outside. I hope I can still go up and down the little 4 stairs to the porch for many more years. The knees aren't as sure about it however.


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