Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

For Lauri Carleton

 Oh My Gooness!

John Pavlovitz has nailed it...see his blog "The Murder of Lauri Carleton and The Killing Words of Anti-LGBTQ Conservatives" (title is the link.)

He says:

"The 66-year old wife and mother of nine children was murdered outside her Southern California clothing store by a man who tore town her flag and shot her to death when she protested. As senseless and shocking as the assassination of Lauri Carleton is, it is not a surprise. It is the rotten, putrid fruit of MAGA America and all it stands for and aspires to.

Violence targeting the LGBTQ community and those who support them is not a random aberration, it is the logical progression."

As a friend and supporter of LGBTQ+ people, I can hardly believe this...but yet, it's makes a stupid kind of sense from congregations/crowds of radical Christians to another crazed man with an automatic weapon. It is sobering to me, friends!

I work to exhibit many displays supporting LGBTQ+ rights in our area, where we have a Pride March in Asheville. I am frightened by this.

Pavlovitz goes on to say:

"Lauri Carleton is the victim of two vicious hate crimes: of the person pulling the trigger and of those who made doing so for that person so easy.

There is no mystery here to be solved, no complex code to uncover, no hidden shooter motive we need to follow down endless rabbit trails to discern.
This is simple cause-and-affect.

It is the grotesque monster Republicans have made because they have lacked creative ideas or noble impulses or any desire to lead responsible for the common good.

By continually chasing the sensational, by relentlessly ratcheting up their rhetoric, by dragging their base to an ever-deepening bottom, and by using LGBTQ people as faceless, nameless political chips—they are nurturing the kind of wasteful violence that visited Lauri Carleton."

This sounds so much like the beginning events of Jan 6, 2021.

The last of his post follows:

"The dangerous words of the Conservative movement are getting people killed.

It’s time for allies of the LGBTQ community to explicitly speak words that love and bring life and declare what we will not abide here.

We often like to say hate has no home here

We need to move this from aspiration to incarnation.

To hell with this hatred."


  1. America, or the world, will never be great again as long as this kind of thing happens. One thing that the growth of women's sports (cricket, soccer and rugby) in this country and elsewhere has achieved is that has given a platform for many gay women to speak out in a way that men seem timid about.

    1. I never noticed that, but it may be true, more lesbians giving voice to their rights than gay men. I'll keep my ears open about it! I'm so glad that women have been making such progress in sports, where at least the US women's soccer team going into the World Cup is paid equal to the men's team.

  2. So sad! Maga is certainly NOT making America great again. It is just the opposite, the country is divided and broken, I am not sure how it can ever be fixed. Take care, have a great day and week ahead.

    1. A bunch of dissatisfied people are the voice of the GOP these days. And they are angry and bigoted too. Wherever the reasonable ones are, who might really like to be positive, they are run over by the MAGA ones.

  3. ...this is awful, Trump again has blood on his hands!!!

    1. I do now blame the entire leadership (?) of the GOP.

  4. He says it so well. Slimey is the word for politicians that use the cheap trick of villainizing someone who is different. They are disgusting.

  5. Barbara, We live in a crazy world... Our choices for President may be between a narcissistic sociopath and would be dictator...who will do or say anything to energize his supporters vs. an old man...my age...and too old and too slow for the job he has and is planning to run for again. In either case, it appears that moderates are damned! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  6. Powerful words, as you expect from him.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.