Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Inspire me (from yesteryear)

Repost from 2012...and I had to see if the links were still good. Not for the article that seemed interesting, but the others are.

Inspire me

Good advice I've picked from blogs, periodicals (magazines), books, and other sources I run into - mainly about working in clay.  (I do enjoy other avenues of visual art and foods)

At San Jacinto Monument, the Battleship Texas behind my father and sis and myself. I'm the one with a bow in my hair!
A commenter said the dolls are Baby Bunting dolls, and she had made one herself. 

"There is no one so dangerous and powerful as those who receive empowerment from the wisdom of others and seek to prove its validity in their own lives... " 
Dr. Richard Jacobs, in letters to Christa Assad published in The Studio Potter, June 2004.   
(I got the hard copy of this magazine in a batch of free magazines on pottery from another blogger who was about to move to the west coast.  I had to go pick the magazines up in Bakersville, NC.  It was fun, and eventually I bought my wheel from that potter.)   http://shambhalapottery.blogspot.com/ 
NOTE 2023, this link is still working! And the ware cart that was sold to the Black Mountain Clay Studio is still in use there.

Look at the blogs being followed by someone's blog you haven't read before.  This is a great off-shoot activity which can take you anywhere.  It's better than a raw search, at least in my experience.  I'm sorry my blog isn't listed in many people's "blogs I follow."  But since I'm an introvert, I'm ok with my anonymity.
Note 2023: I still haven't put "following" gadget on my blogs!

Thank you Miriam Williams.  I saw a few blogs that I already am following, and added a few new ones to my own long list.
Note 2023: This link is still working

Today I enjoyed reading this article also.  Lana Wilson's Advice on Developing Your Own Style   Would you do this, or did you ever do this exercise?  I'm awestruck that this is the way pinterest may well have started.  I do like the way brainstorming is taken into a three dimensional format by using clay.
Note 2023: that link doesn't work now.

I would love to share with you some pictures of pottery by other potters, or photos by industrious people with better eyes and equipment than I have, but don't have time to ask for permissions.  Just know that I do look, and my eyes feast upon the beauty that others create.  You'll have to go see them yourself.  I can give you links to their posts...just look at my list in the column to the right.  ( I have no idea why my blog list that's on "my profile" is so sparse...I follow about 100 blogs at least)

And back to Lana Wilson's most important piece of advice.  To go to work in the studio.  Yep.  Bye for now.
Note 2023: I gave up making pottery at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, 2020. So I had practiced that craft from 2008...12 years total.

I'm in high school and get to wear high heels for a piano recital. I'm the skinny girl on the right, wearing blue dress and fake shells necklace.

Sharing again with Sepia Saturday! 

Today's quote:

I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. -George McGovern, senator and author (1922-2012)


  1. Hello,
    I love the old photos of you and your family. It is nice you are sharing some links of blogs you follow. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Eileen...I always love looking at your Saturday Critters.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm pretty fortunate in some old photos of my family.

  3. Great pictures! So cute!
    The quote from Senator McGovern is wise. Political leaders often make terrible decisions, usually pressured by people with money. Their generals are obligated to carry out their orders and young men die as a result.

    1. So true. The military just keeps building upon itself.

  4. I was skinny at that age too. Cannot say that now.

    1. Tee hee, yes the years have added considerably. Maybe we're just not running as much as we did then? I sure am not. If there were a fire, I'd probably be able to run...otherwise, forget it!

  5. Hi Barbara, Great old family photos. I treasure those early images that I have of my family as well... Your visit to the USS Texas Battleship was almost exactly 1 year after she arrived at the memorial. I visited her sometime in the early to mid 1970s. Currently, at 109 years old, she's being refurbished and repaired. She's going to find a new berth somewhere along the north Texas coast, site yet to be determined. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Oh that's great historic information, David! Thanks so much. The late 40s were still impacted by WW II in many ways. I just read an English blogger who said they had rationing until 1954 I think. We had many excursions out to the San Jacinto battle field and monument, which as a youngster I knew nothing about. There was a great restaurant which was a treat to take my father's parents to on a Sunday. I even returned there as an adult a few times, but I've heard it's gone now.

  6. You were a sweet looking child and an elegant young lady.

    1. And then who knows what happened when I became an elder...a crone! Whoosh! But thank you.

  7. I love the photos of you and and your family -- when you were younger and then as a young woman. I love the dresses we wore during those periods and still have a fondness for structured dresses, although no one wears them much anymore.

    1. That's very true, I never shop for clothes, so hadn't really noticed.

  8. Your family trio photos are terrific. Not many people manage to get a battleship into the picture too. I also collect websites and probably bookmark dozens each week. When the lists get unmanageable I'll review old ones and often can't figure out why I saved it in the first place!

    1. I keep a list of books to read, and films. Not as many links as I used to.

  9. A lovely photo of you, your sister, and Mom. What are you holding? Music? Were you playing in the recital?


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.