Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, August 14, 2023

lunch sort of, last Friday

 More of my lunch items... 

It proved my point that I'm only firing on one cylinder these days...though who knows how many I'm supposed to be running on!

I'd like a toasted cheese sandwich and tomato soup, myself said as lunchtime approached. OK, we've got stale bread, grated cheese and a clean skillet.

I then proceded to spray the bread with the Olive Oil spray rather than I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray. But I put the 2 pieces of bread in the pan to start toasting. I started spooning the grated cheese into piles on each piece of bread.

But some of the cheese was nice cheddar color, and some looked a bit pink. Oh Oh! the dreaded pink mold had intruded there. So I sloppily picked each bread up and turned it on it side over a plate to discharge the bad cheese. With little bits of moldy cheese falling everywhere.

I had some unopened swiss cheese, which would do just fine. Sliced it, and noticed I had some ham slices still good in the fridge, so put one of those on the sandwich.

As it finished I wanted mayo but remembered the last jar had been pretty empty so I tossed it. Yet there was ranch dressing there, which was pretty drippy, so carefully I applied it to one slice as it came out of the pan. And then ever so gently I capped it with the other slice.

These simple things make me so happy. And then there are the fingers all oily from the sandwich...

...here's a ham and toasted swiss cheese with ranch dressing

Don't even mention soup.

Today's quote:

People often say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.



  1. The grilled ham and cheese sounds yummy. Thankfully you had another choice of cheese for your sandwich. Take care, have a great day and happy week!

  2. ...I'd skip the ranch dressing.

    1. OK, it was what I had, and actually was delicious.

  3. That is quite an exotic grilled cheese. The ranch dressing sounds interesting. Grilled cheese is one of the few items to which I apply ketchup.

    1. Ketchup! I have a few places where I like it. Some fish, especially fried. Some French fries.

  4. Replies
    1. That it was. I just went in the kitchen (Mon. evening) and decided I needed cake or cookies. So out came the ingrediants, and I found a coffee cake recipe...and it's baking now. Sometimes I can do with what I have.

    2. It was awful, actually, the coffee cake. I'm trying to put things on top of it to give it a good taste, but it's still just blah. So it goes sometimes!

  5. This is the trick, to work with what you have! It looks yummy.

  6. Hi Barbara, Love grilled cheese and ham...although we just use butter to cook in it. No mayo or dressing, just lots of pepper...and I always sprinkle Tabasco on my grilled cheese sandwich. As for using what's available in refrigerator or elsewhere in the house, I fancy myself at not wasting much of anything. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Good sounding for those of you with heavier taste buds than I have. No pepper please.


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