Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, July 31, 2022

This is why I'm an environmentalist


The life and work of Marija Gimbutus, the archeologist who certified that cultures of many centuries before the Biblical era, had been matrilineal and peaceful.

Inanna from pre-Biblical times

The donut theory of economic growth (below)

Got it yet?

For the rest of my life I want to share information about our climate crisis, to hopefully change the roller coaster ride we're on.

And politically I'm not interested in a GOP autocracy.

"Authoritarian figures expect loyalty to themselves alone, rather than to a nonpartisan government. To get that loyalty, they turn to staffers who are loyal because they are not qualified or talented enough to rise to power in a nonpartisan system. They are loyal to their boss because they could not make it in a true meritocracy, and at some level they know that (even if they insist they are disliked for their politics). "

by Heather Cox Richardson

This is  why so many people profess loyalty to tRump...he's convinced them his way is the only way they'll have meaning, safety, jobs and a society in their lives. 

I only mention this because I believe that all the issues of justice and our future democracy are linked to the issues of a climate crisis. Everything is connected.


  1. The circular economy would work well, right? I am starting to think the GOP have lost their minds, they are crazy. Take care, enjoy your day. Have a great new week!

    1. I started to rewatch the video I linked to (yesterday's post) and was so amazed to hear how she was such a very articulate women talking about the coming election. The terms I heard for the global authoritarian efforts were "grievance based disinformation and a really ugly backlash on equity." I need to take notes on what the well educated speaker, Jackie Payne, was saying.

  2. Replies
    1. No emoticons available on my laptop...but thanks for the thumbs up!

  3. Thank you so much! In 2005, when I was fit and healthy, cycled along the river Danube from its source into Vienna - took a bit more than a week, we had heavy winds from the east - and one of the first things there was a visit to the Natural History Museum to greet the Venus of Willendorf, a minute statue. I still remember the feeling of awe and delight.
    I have been to Vienna by car and airplane and both ways it takes ages what with parking and commuting and putting away luggage, while on bicycle, you simply roll along the river and there you are, right in the center, all you need is in your panniers and your arms and legs and eyes.

    1. I hope you saw AC's post of his bike ride videos today. (He's the comment right above yours.) What a truly wonderful trip that must have been, a week long bike trip. Have you seen the huge cement statue someone made in (I think) Norway of the Willendorf goddess? It was on Facebook yesterday.

  4. ...Pete Seeger was always a thorn in the side of the establishment.

    1. Wasn't he great? What a socially conscious man. And very talented in music and boating as well.

  5. I love your commitment and passion for our one and one beautiful earth. Thank you for that.

    1. Funny, a few months ago I didn't have any passion for anything. The nay-sayers had won in my consciousness and I was just surviving!

  6. I'd not heard of Gimbutas!
    North America is all for profits, the environment be damned.

    1. Her books are excellent...though this biographical video is pretty slow moving compared to what we usually watch now.

  7. Interesting woman. Yes, indeed, everything is connected. It should be obvious but so many don't seem to realize this truth.

    1. I continue to be amazed at the efforts to separate us - to divide us away from working together on the important things.

  8. To infuriate religious evangelicals, tell them God's a woman and watch them go nuts.

    1. Good idea William. I have a friend who said she would just hang up if someone said "my minister told me you are a baby killer." Yep it's a difficult sign of the craziness of today.

  9. Many males are jealous of the power of women to give birth and they desperately want to control it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.