Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, July 15, 2022

Art in Bloom garden tour, house number 4

Here Ellen checks the view the artist is painting, and my friend Helen looks on!

We had to guess what these little fruits were, but when asked what the leaves looked like, I said peaches. That was the clue, they are nectarines, my favorite fruit! How great that they can grow here as well as California!

I chose to walk up the steps to the raised deck rather than follow the stepping stones to the back yard.

Again a lot of gravel. And another building too!

A second artist working on the other side of the house!

As we left there were three flowers in red to enjoy...

Check out the floral art that was in the gallery over on my blog  Alchemy of Clay

The wisest man is he who does not fancy that he is so at all. -Nicolas Boileau-Despr, poet and critic (1 Nov 1636-1711)


  1. A beautiful garden.
    How I would love to be able to grow nectarines!

    1. I had that dozen nectarines that I found in a flat on sale at Trader Joes, and by the time they ripened, I ate most of every last one! Heavenly!

  2. Love seeing the homes and gardens there. All very beautiful.

    1. They sure are, and those homeowners did a great job of preparing everything for a hundred or so visitors to walk through!

  3. ...what a sweet house and garden.

  4. You sure do post a lot of pretty pictures. I'm surprised at how much you seem to accomplish every day, Barbara. I'm lucky to post three times a week and sometimes find it daunting.

    1. I love sitting here talking with folks all over the globe...and now that I've found I can reply to your comments, it's like answering whatever you've said. I have no idea if anyone ever comes back to see what I've answered, but that's ok. I just carry my iPhone with me everywhere, and don't pretend to be a real photographer (like lots of bloggers are) They are patient with me.

  5. Money, time, effort and talent went into that garden.

    1. After reading how she planted in all that gravel, and how those plants are thriving in that method, it's wonderful to see. But I do wonder where she obtained the nectarine tree!

  6. While I have commented on the previous house tour posts, Barbara, it doesn’t mean they have not been enjoyable to read. I especially enjoyed seeing the gardens and can appreciate how much work they entailed.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.