Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, July 21, 2022

So long Julia

Just a short memorial to a dear friend. When the people at church said they were having a gathering to remember her the day after she died, I thought I might go...but when it came time to get ready I was overcome by coughing fits.

(NOTE: I can't reply to anyone's comments. But I wanted you all to know...Thank you. And I misread when they were having the gathering at church...it's today, right now. But I'm still not going.)

See, Julia also had bronchiectasis, coughing at any time just to be able to breath.

And at the time the gathering was to take place at church, there was a mighty thunderstorm. (though nobody was gathering yesterday after all!)

I figured that Julia's spirit was saying that she's maybe gone in body, but just like a summer storm, she'll be here at times we least expect her, just booming some thunder (which actually is very unlike her.)

Julia was a lady. Always well dressed, and because of her height and thinness, she looked like a model, though in her 70s was believable.

And kind. She offered to help me many times when I was recovering from something or another. She'd gladly drive me places. And I know she helped many other people at church. She had just resigned from a committee that I have just joined. She was continuing to help the Afghan family which has been trying to acclimate to becoming Americans.  Julia always had a smile for everyone, and would speak in her soft voice, slowly but with proper enunciation. I think it was in part due to her problems breathing.

This was her last FaceBook portrait...from over a year ago.

She died suddenly on Tuesday, and nobody knows the cause.

I will definitely look for thunder storms to bring her spirit back to say hello again.

Thank you for all the comments. The problem is with this new ReCaptCha thing google is doing with blogger. It says it's my internet, but it continues and my internet is just fine.


  1. ...I hope that her spirit lives on.

  2. May her memory be a blessing . . .and may every thunderstorm remind you.

  3. Sorry to hear of the loss of such a good friend.

    1. THank you Marcia. Julia was a good friend to many!

  4. I am so sorry that you lost a dear and helpful friend. May her memory be a blessing.

    1. Thank you so much Robin. I'm pretty sure her memory will indeed be a blessing to all of us.

  5. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Her memory will no doubt bring a smile to your face.

    1. THanks Bill, and just as thunderstorms now remind me of her, just remembering her life give me a smile.

  6. She sounds lovely. So sorry you've lost your friend.

  7. The loss of a friend is always so sad, Barbara, and it is nice that you have memories of her that you could share with us.

    1. I'm so glad to have known her in our short interactions together.


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