Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, July 4, 2022

Raging into action

Happy Independence Day - Americans!

This is not your Independence Day of the GOP! This is the Independence Day of the free women and men who will take back the power that the MAGA crazies have been usurping. We the people! Not the brain-washed zombies who follow whatever the big business CEO's want.

I'm going to take part in a webinar this afternoon by Starhawk, one of the founders who teach about permaculture and other things. I like ritual and the idea of Starhawk addressing our anger sounds good.

The ritual will help me transform my rage into action! That's my goal at least! Not violence!

And a lot of women and men are aching to do just this thing. I hope many of my friends will also watch this zoom ritual. 

Then there will be a lot of my friends downtown watching the local fireworks. I'll keep my windows closed so I can hear them as low as possible.

Last Saturday night I took part in this ritual about improving my meditation. I liked this presentation by Craig Hamilton. Just what I needed this week! However I didn't sign on for the twelve week course. Puleese, I don't have funds for that, and what I do in my meditation is just fine!


  1. Rage into action sounds like a good plan.

    1. It would be if I could just figure out what I want to do! Take some action which I'm capable of doing. (Nothing physical thank you, nor putting myself out in public. I'll keep thinking!)

  2. Happy 4th of July! Take care and enjoy your day, have a great new week!!

    1. Thanks, hope you also have a happy Independence Day!

  3. ...this is not a festive day!

    1. I understand. But I am moving into trying to change things.

  4. What John Lewis called Good Trouble!

  5. I don’t know what to wish Americans today.

    1. We need to remember that we can stand up for what is right and each person's freedoms...just like the founding fathers did. Not like the MAGA deluded folks want.

  6. I like your positive approach!

    1. I'm ready to do something...as soon as I figure out what it is!

  7. I like your attitude, and I would like to find that within myself. Rage into action is a good beginning.

    1. Thanks...I got a lot out of the ritual today, including some great movements with hands and arms from those who use sign language.

  8. It's been awful on both sides of the border. Good for you for doing something.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

    1. I know, there is some point sometime in the future where people will again come together in the surety of truth and act for that truth.

  9. I think that sounds like a very positive thing to do today. Many old people like me are just going to sit at home and dream about the country we once had. :-)

    1. I have enjoyed doing some dreaming also...and even thought how my ancestors decided to fight or move west...they had so much courage to take those risks and build their own dreams. I want to prove worthy of them by living my life for the truths I believe and trying to find a ground of meeting with those who are currently deluded by lies.

  10. Hi Barbara, Glad to hear that you're taking positive action in order to channel your negative feelings about the ongoing negativity and issues facing the USA. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I'm talking the talk...but so far haven't figured out how I want to walk the walk. I want to find the way to confront the lies of the deluded people around me...and help them understand what is true rather than the silly promises of the Tea Party.

  11. I believe the United States will find its way back to its sense of self. It's going to take time.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.