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Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Those weddings where you know almost no-one.


Not sure why, but the people standing on the ends of this group were given several extra pounds!
My middle son and wife and their 3 kids are towards the right here.

Pearl Webb married Clarence (Cam) Hamerle (she was daughter of the cowboy John Webb, a brother of my grandfather I never met because he died when my mother was little.

My mom and dad got their marriage license on Friday the 13th of Nov, 1939. They obviously didn't care about that somewhat unlucky number. They were married until my father's death in 1985.

I don't know most of these people, but my youngest son is on the far right and his wife is standing next to him.

My oldest son and his wife danced for joy following their ceremony!

A very old photo of one of my cousins with my grandparents on the left. With the tiny size of this photo, you just have to know who they are.

Another of my cousins was probably grandmother of the groom? That's my guess. You can tell it's a Texas wedding by the woman wearing cowboy boots on the left.

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week...

Today's quote:

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. 

And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.
. . . 

Make your own Bible.

Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson



  1. Those are pretty large groups/families.

    1. They sure are. And these days they come from all over the country for these big weddings.

  2. Hello,
    Lovely wedding photos. Love the grateful quote. Happy weekend to you!

    1. Hi Eileen...thanks for your comment. These were happy days for most of those people.

  3. ...you certainly have some wonderful family pictures!

    1. This collection is thanks to Ancestry where many family pics are stored.

  4. Replies
    1. THanks Robin...a lot of work went into these celebrations...not just the wedding for the newer large ones, but each person who came got there from their own homes, wore special clothes, and stayed somewhere with friends or in hotels over night for most of them.

  5. I like your title for this collection but my problem is that almost all of my inherited family photos of weddings were events that I never attended! My dad was a fanatic amateur photographer so he took hundreds, maybe thousands, of wedding photos that I have no idea who, when, or where it was. Occasionally I can figure out a rough idea of which side of the family and how far down the stair steps of cousins. But mostly it's a mystery.

    1. Interesting, because I didn't attend most of those weddings myself either. I found the photos on FB or Ancestry, where at least one relative was in the photo. Goodness, you would certainly have a lot of photos to choose from for this subject!

  6. A lovely collection of wedding groups - mostly all photographed outdoors as the prompt photo was. Nice selection. I found a great amateur photographer for my wedding who came highly recommended and his price was totally reasonable. He took wonderful photos of the wedding and reception, then gave me all the negatives to have developed as I wished! I couldn't beat that, and his work was every bit as good as a professional.

  7. It's quite likely I am done with attending weddings.

  8. The aspect of weddings where you don't know many people is so original. Great photos.

  9. It's been a long time since I last attended a wedding, and those were all friends' weddings.


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