Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Flowers flowers flowers!!

 While outside was having snow flurries yesterday, I enjoyed 6 buds of a flower I very seldom purchase at the grocery store.

But they do make me smile everytime I walk past them...and these fortunately decided to open further.

They are such a luxurious shade of red. And my little phone camera doesn't turn them into some strange color. This is natural light coming in the windows. I'd had so much trouble in sunlight last year with red roses on a vine not coming out in photos...I was really surprised!

So maybe the problem had to do with sunlight!

The snow didn't stick of course, and probably didn't hurt the dogwood blossoms that haven't quite opened on our trees at the apartment complex.  I'll have to check on the one down the street that opened last week, to see if the blossoms are ok. I'm going to a library book sale of non-fiction books today.

Today's quote: (yes I forgot to give one yesterday with all those photos...and even forgot to call my granddaughter to wish her happy birthday last night!)

In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.
 -Thurgood Marshall, US Supreme Court Justice (2 Jul 1908-1993)


  1. Your roses are beautiful. We may still have a late frost, I hope our dogwood will be ok.
    Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

    1. THanks...I agree about more frosts possible. I know the birds were happy to have sunshine today after snow, sleet and cold for the last day and night! Hope you all have a most lovely new week too!

  2. Just so lovely a shade of red. Is the vase one you made? 32º here this morning with frost on the grass. Looking forward to temps in the 60s next week.

    1. Thanks...and yes, it's a pitcher that I made many years ago. How often does one use a pitcher when we can just pour out of original containers! It makes a good vase. I'll try to find a shot of it without flowers for a future blog.

  3. ...there can never be too flowers in life.

  4. Lovely roses. I rarely buy cut flowers, but sometimes....

    1. I sometimes think I will cheer myself up, or celebrate something small. This time was after a cardiology appointment that came out well.

  5. Reds can be problematic, but these look perfect.

  6. Beautiful roses to mark a very strange weather day.

    1. Saturday was more fun to watch than to go out into...ever changing weather!

  7. Those are truly beautiful red roses.

  8. Pretty lipstick-red colors! (I may be showing my age.) My neighbors magnolia buds got damaged by the cold.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.