Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, April 22, 2022

Here they come: pink and red and personal notes


Happy Earth Day everyone. We belong to the earth.

I didn't go out of the apartment at all last Wed. So when I took out the trash on Thursday, I ran (well walked) back inside to get the phone. All these flowers were bursting out with colors!

I love these blooms, which are double or triple blossoms!

Ornamental Cherry blossoms are so beautiful the azaleas became the out of focus background here! I'll give you more Cherry blossoms soon.

Some more azaleas to enjoy.

On a more personal note, I had 2 doctor's appointments yesterday. The first one I arrived a bit early. But was called into the exam room within 5 minutes. Then I sat and sat and sat...after the nurse had done her review of my meds, my blood pressure and my pulse ox. This was a check up 6 weeks after I'd been really hit by some bad coughing spells. But after waiting an hour in that room, I just said, this is not happening. So I got up and left. I told the nurse I'd reschedule. She said she didn't know the Dr. hadn't been in to see me yet. As I talked to the scheduler she told me the next available would be in August.

I said ok, give me one. And then she found I already had one scheduled for June. I left happy, though hadn't even seen the Dr. I wonder if they'll charge my insurance for the nurse seeing me...

The second Dr. did an X-ray of my hands (that's his specialty) and then told me I had arthritis, and some osteoporosis...but not that bad. He said for a 79 year old, my hands looked very good. (It must be all the typing, I thought!)  But as for the times my index finger and thumb get out of joint, he couldn't see any reason that should be happening. It wasn't like a trigger finger...so he said the next time it happens I should take a photo or video of it and send it to him. It hurts like hell when it happens, and I'm supposed to leave it like that until I can figure out how to take a photo or video one handed! Sure. I just hope it doesn't ever happen again.

Today's quote:
The world is changed not by the self-regarding, but by men and women prepared to make fools of themselves.
 -P.D. James, novelist (3 Aug 1920-2014)


  1. Hello,
    Love all the pretty blossoms, the dogwood and azaleas are lovely. I have had multiple surgeries on both of my thumb joints, it was always popping out. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  2. Thanks Eileen for comment about your thumbs. Apparently mine don't pop out enough for the tendons (?) to show the doctor. He said they stay in the right place when he tested me. Sigh. I'm glad you had yours corrected. Have a great weekend yourself! I'm looking forward to seeing your critters tomorrow!

  3. I smiled when I read about you walking out--they must be very disorganized in that office. My hands hurt all the time, maybe a hand specialist is what I need, although I don't know if they can really help much with arthritic joints.

    1. I have a friend who rubs some cream on her back where a joint hurts, but finds it also helps with the pain in her hands. It starts with V...maybe Volteren? Something like that.

  4. ...I have been to see doctors more often lately than I wish.

    1. I am so glad that they seem to care about my conditions...when I get in the same room with them at least!

  5. Waiting an hour for a doctor who doesn't even show up. That's really unacceptable. I'm surprised that happened, although at my last dentist appointment I waited for almost a half hour for the guy to walk in and look at an x-ray.
    Love all the flowers blooming there. You do have a beautiful burst of springtime.

    1. I was mad the first half hour, then tried to meditate, play solitaire on the phone, text a friend. Then I said it's time to get my lunch. Being hungry wouldn't make me very civil when the Dr. finally arrived. So I went to lunch.

  6. Barbara, It could have been worse...you could have been in ER holding in an emergency and they lost track of you. I had one wait in the ER that lasted 1.5 hours before anyone could see me... Fun times! As for hands, I've had 2 carpal tunnel surgeries as well as a similar surgery on a thumb. One finger is permanently curled without surgery and I have to switch hands for my mouse to let the other hand rest. Aging is 'fun'...but I'd look down at the grass than up at it. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Yes, we do have many things yet to do in this lifetime...and I'm sure blogging is one of them!

  7. Lovely blooms there. I remember an extremely long wait in an oncologist's office. I finally got dressed and went out in the hall to hail someone. Apparently they'd put me in an exam room and didn't tell him where I was since it was apart from the normal exam rooms he used. I recently got the diagnosis os osteoporosis in my back. I'll see the primary care doc next month to see what I need to do for that.

  8. Going to the doctor is always a waiting game and I don't like playing that game but waiting an hour is ridiculous. The blossoms are very pretty, you must enjoy seeing all that spectacular colour.

  9. Wonderful pink blossoms. Our azaleas come out rather later than the cherry blossom. (Just typed 'cheery blossom'! Well, it is.)

  10. Beautiful blooms. But a bummer about the no show doc.

  11. I agree with Vicki! What a shame. Lovely flowers, though!

  12. Lovely flowers! My arthritis pain went away after I stopped eating chicken. Who woulda thunk it?


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.