Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, September 10, 2021

The lucky cat...


Guess where I went for lunch yesterday! 

"No. One China."

I think No. stands for Number, but it's always written "No. One." I got the wonderful Tofu Homestyle, and today the stir-fry had a great selection of veggies. Some days it's just broccoli. Not much tofu so far, and I will have left overs for another meal sometime.

The photos above the counter are barely discernable, but my dish isn't up there anyway. It's on the menu, but I never remember the number. And the fastest way to order is by phone. So when I arrived in their parking lot on the east side of Black Mountain, known as the Trucker's Supply parking lot, I called in my order. It used to be the Food Lion parking lot, and a few old timers still say that!

 "15 minutes" she said. 

So I went inside in 10 minutes, because the hot sun was turning my car into a sauna.

They don't air condition, but now that the counter has plastic all across it, the waiting area (used to be about 6 tables there) is cooler than in the car. And of course she packed up my lunch and took my money through the passthrough door, and put the bag through the other passthrough door. No problem. I was the only one in a mask in the waiting room. I was glad of it, with the 4 burly men waiting on the other side of the small room.

But they've (the owners) even put plastic on the cat, which originally was to be rubbed for luck, I think.

Today's quote:

Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.



  1. NO. One China, do they have that name because they are number one?
    I would not even think about rubbing the cat for luck. I love the quote.
    Have a great day and happy weekend!

    1. In other cities/town in which I've lived, the Chinese food that was most economical would be a Bamboo Panda, or something like that. Here it's No. One China. I admit I never tried rubbing it before it was encased.

  2. ...I remember when I was a kid hat we had one Chinese restaurant in town. Now there so many and w=every small town has one or two.

    1. We have a Thai restaurant, and one that may or may not be open, Kanichiwa, which is supposed to be Japanese street food. It is located where a nice Chinese restaurant once was...and several other venues.

  3. Sounds like a yummy dinner. We haven't been out to a restaurant in so long, not even for take-out. Maybe we should try it some time.

    1. I've been going out almost weekly to get take out to support our local restaurants, as well as avoid messing up the kitchen.

  4. I am not a big veggie guy, but a stir fry is usually pretty good.

    1. Yes, I usually have one whenever there are a bunch of leftover, or still to be used, veggies. This plant based diet is somewhat wobbly these days...I even had a (horrors) pork chop the other day (at home).

  5. I live on the edge of our Chinatown.... but I don't care for Asian cuisine.

    1. Oh my...that's too bad. If the wind is blowing the right way, you probably get to smell it too!

  6. Replies
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