Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Tailgate Market 9.11.21

 Humidity is low, and temperatures were within reason for Saturday.

People wore masks (free ones were available when coming past the gate keeper, Robin Josephs.

You can see the side of the big nursery school behind the "love" sign.

Most folks would stand 6 feet from each other in lines. I stopped to talk with a couple of vendors. The MudBuddies, and the person who's been covering for Roger, the fresh fish seller. He had had back surgery and is due to be back at work in a few weeks. It makes me wonder what kind of insurance he has...

The library was selling some books, here in the middle of the shady Tailgate Market. We are so fortunate to have this location behind the First Baptist Church.

It was great to have live music entertaining everyone. 

And on another topic (I often get last minute information the day before posting things...) I just got the news that a UUCSV member who was always very involved has died from COVID and a broken neck when he had a fall. I'm just going to say we'll all miss Norm Kowal, and the movies and pot lucks we used to have, called Friday Flings...which he hosted monthly for many years at our church.

Today's quote:

The moment we choose to love we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others.



  1. Pleased to see people being careful around each other.

    1. For the most part, these folks do care about their neighbors...at least in this setting!

  2. Hello,
    The tailgate market looks fun, it is nice they have live music. I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks for your sympathy. The market is always surprising, with different people as well as different foods!

  3. ...we need more "love each other" signs. It's sad to hear about Norm Kowal.

    1. Thanks for your sympathy also, Tom. He will be missed by our small congregation. Here here, more "love each other" signs.

  4. The tailgate market looked like a nice place to shop around.
    Really sorry about the loss of your friend. That is sad news.

    1. I usually enjoy walking around and choosing which vendor has the best looking tomatoes...something I always can buy. Thanks for your sympathy about Norm. He will be missed.

  5. I'm sorry for your loss. At my age, the loss of friends is becoming more and more a part of life.

    1. Yes, I am also in the age bracket where many friends who are frail are going into treatment homes, or simply the hospital, or dying. My friend who I worked with once was 92, and said she was busy making younger friends, because she'd lost all the older ones.

  6. "Love Each Other" from six feet away! Doesn't sound so much fun.
    Looks like a good little market, especially with live music too.

    1. Well, respect of personal space does seem to be a kind of love, or at least courtesy. When they have live music it does make walking around more enjoyable!

  7. I'm guessing the broken neck came first, then the Covid which took him. It sounds like he was quite a pillar of your church community and will be missed.

    1. I don't know which happened first, as all the notices include both problems. Norm will certainly be missed.

  8. The market sounds like a nice one to visit and a bonus with live music. Sorry to hear of your friend's passing.

    1. Thanks for your sympathy, Bill. It is a nice market, and I just realized I haven't found a need to go to any others since I moved here 14 years ago.

  9. I'm sorry that you lost a friend.

    1. Thanks for your sympathy, Linda. We will certainly miss Norm's dry sense of humor. I hope he continues to joke around wherever he next goes.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.