Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Closer perspective

 These huge kalanchoes now sit by my steps. Obviously Miracle-grow makes big leaves grow!

They often get sunburned here by the walk and the stairs, so I'm not sure how long I'll leave them here.

Yes, those are some of my flower pots from my days as a potter.

I think I'll have to bring these inside for winter time. But now is the glorious end of summer, beginning of fall. I like it very much. 

Sleeping with the windows open again. Ah. Woke up to no mountains showing because of the fog. But only in the 50s outside. I waited till the 70s showed in the sunshine to walk to where I had to park up the long hill yesterday, to drive my car back down to near my home...so I could load it with a cart full of my laundry. These tiny apartments don't include laundry facilities, and I choose to go to a laundromat rather than use the small machines they have here at Blue Ridge Apartments laundry room. I can put all my clothes, sheets and towels in one machine which handles 30 pounds of laundry there, and the big drier is done in 30 minutes! So I'm trying to psych myself up to going and doing it! And I must remind myself each time I get out of the car to put my mask on!

On another topic, one that deals with a political event in Texas, I hope anyone who reads this who lives in Texas will make efforts to get this law changed! Here's a description by NPR about the new anti-abortion law and the vigilantism that it promotes with a $10,000 bonus. Texas Law that Bans Abortion in 2021

Today's quote:

Being aware of the connection between all things can help you in terms of the broader effect you may be creating.


  1. Hello,
    The plant is pretty, love the blooms and leaves. It is nice to use those big washer and dryers.
    I am glad I do not live in Texas, they passed a crazy election law too. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. I can understand having to get psyched to take the laundry. With all you're taking at once it would be an effort. The Texas law scares me and what's worse is what the Supreme Court did not do.

  3. We really need to get to the laundromat to wash the big blanket on my chair. Our machine might handle it, but we'd rather not test it.

  4. I did a very big load of laundry yesterday and realized I should have probably made it two smaller loads. I've been doing big loads to conserve water and energy. So now I wonder if a once-a-week smaller load would easier. I'm glad the fall weather has arrived. Here too!

  5. ...why would anyone want to live in Texas?

  6. All the places we lived have laundry machines. They are small but we don't have any big items that need washing. Like your header, I see the leaves are changing colour and falling. The seasons are changing fast as time marches on.

  7. Such classy flower pots! And yes, re the hateful people in Texas.

  8. I've actually contemplated keeping the windows closed here at night. It's getting a bit too cool.

  9. Perhaps we should invest in emmenagogues. I suspect women in Texas will get very, very anxious if a period is late.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.