Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Grey days


Feb. 7, 2021

Feb. 13, 2021 - the lavender plant (center) doesn't look like it's still alive...but I keep watering it and hoping it will come back. In a month or so I'll give up probably.

I was trying to capture the clouds in the middle distance before the Swannanoa Mountain chain...

It kind of says what the day was going to be like all day, with times when the clouds came right down to our rooftops. But there is now a hint of green-yellow on the ground, if you look closely!

Trying a new phone's camera to get a pano from the bedroom. No - our balconies aren't quite that close together!

Blog reading, and commenting, then creating more blogs and hoping folks comment on them. What a life!

I water my plants on the windowsills and the dining table. I actually cut away a few of the dead violets the other day...and will remember to share some pictures soon.

After getting my eyes checked, I tried walking with my friend on one partly sunny day, not very cold. But apparently just having dilated eyes made me feel pretty washed out, even though I had my big sunglasses on...so I turned around about 1/4 of the way along the path. The good news was that I am now taking blood pressure medication which apparently helps with the pressure in my eyes, so I'm being taken off the list of pre-glaucoma. Good to know I won't need to come in to get my pressure checked every 6 months. I am getting new lenses for the same frames...so hope to be able to see a wee bit better soon.

With this getup I look like I could rob a bank!

Today's quote:

I wanted to live my life so that people would know unmistakably that I am alive, so that when I finally die people will know the difference for sure between my living and my death. -June Jordan, writer, teacher, and activist (9 Jul 1936-2002) 


  1. Don't give up on the lavender until you can put it outside. Warm sun works wonders.
    I say this because I once stuck a plant that was a stick in a pot out on my deck prior to tossing it. Somehow it got lost which is not hard when I start putting plants out. Three month later I was delighted to see new sprouts coming off the stick.
    We are enjoying two sunny day in a row. This hasn't happened in way too long.
    Good news about your eyes!

    1. Today is supposed to be a second sunny day...so I'm waiting for the clouds to clear out. I'm glad to hear your advice about the dead lavender plant. I think I'll wait till it's not freezing every night to put it back outside.

  2. Gray indeed. At least it has been bright here for a few days -- cold but bright for the most part. I think we're headed to a few days of warmer weather with days approaching freezing or above, but that will likely mean grayer too.

    1. Yesterday actually was full sun, but a breezy freezing day, though I did try to go for a short walk. You all have pretty snow though. Of course when spring starts it's not so pretty.

  3. Hello,

    We have had mostly cloudy days lately, lots of snow/sleet and freezing rain. I will be happy to see some warm sunny days ahead. I recently had my eyes dilated and could not see, luckily hubby drove me to the eye doctors. Take care, have a great day. Wishing you a happy new week!

    1. I was glad to have my big sunglasses to wear over my regular ones. Have a good Sunday, Eileen.

  4. We have sun this morning but Dan said the thermometer said 0º out there. It's to warm above freezing this week. I have cataracts which I'll be seeing a doctor about next month. Glad to hear you got your eyes sorted out.

    1. Oh my, you have real freezing weather there! I have early stage cataracts, so they won't take them out yet. It makes driving at night and trying to read Jeopardy questions on TV difficult...a glow around things!

  5. ...we have had a lot of them, but today the sun is shining brightly.

  6. It's been gray like that here too. Day after day after day... until yesterday when the sun came out. Oh what a delight it. I hope you get some sunshine soon.

    1. We have finally received sunshine, though it's just freezing temps. Since snow/rain is forecast for tomorrow, I'll probably try to bundle up and walk around a bit outside today...it may get up to 40.

  7. The gray days are a bit dispiriting. It was such a pleasure to wake to sunshine this morning, even though the temps are keeping me inside.

    1. You're smart...I keep trying to get out and walk, and have lost most of my endurance that I built up last summer...what little I had.

  8. I like your coat. It's been gray here also, but we did have a bit of blue sky yesterday. I felt like celebrating that small gift.

    1. Good for you! Finding any little thing to celebrate is important. I'm so dismal when the weather is.

  9. I had the "pleasure" of having eye-drops the other day when I went to have my eyes checked. It had been dull and rainy when I set out but low, glaring sun on the way back which gave me a headache for the rest of the day. Hope you'll be seeing some sunshine soon.

    1. Oh yes, that tenderness of any light in one's eyes is pretty bad after dilation. If we could just have sunshine part of each day, I'd be happy.

  10. Sunshine is always welcomed. We get grey days a lot with an occasional sunny one bursting in between.

    1. OK, you are right. I am smart enough to have memory from just a day or so ago. But my body somehow hates the cold damp...and complains all over the place!

  11. A year ago if we walked into a bank like that, we'd be arrested.

    1. You said it William...I know I can take the hat off and show I'm a bit elderly...but these days, just about everyone would be interested in more money so might go to the effort of "stick 'em up" I guess. Not this person though.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.