Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, February 25, 2021

And the youngest orchid gives out first

 This is the one I bought this winter.

I moved it from my bedroom (which gets more sun actually) because the blooms were drying up and falling off, and then I noticed the dead blooms were kind of moldy looking. Oops, I thought, I've overwatered it. A problem of course because I would give it a drink with the others, now twice weekly...and it is supposed to have water only once a week. Anyway, the very last bud opened, as all the rest dropped off.

I must tell my friends about yesterday's adventure...I locked my keys in my car. I stopped at a nearby restaurant which had been recommended several times by a friend who happens to live up the street from it. So I ordered a taco, then the woman offered me their phone to use...and fortunately I had my wallet with me, so I called the insurance company using my card in my wallet, to get road side assistance which I pay for in my insurance policy. This was at 2:00 pm. They said they'd be there around 2:45, soonest. Oh my, I thought. I ate my delicious taco, prepared just the way I asked, then walked up the hill to my friend's house. We usually text, but my phone was also locked in the car. I didn't know if she'd be home...but she was. So I was able to sit with her for a while, then was back at the restaurant by 2:40, and they closed at 3. I sat outside on a picnic bench until 3:25, when the guy finally arrived. He drove slowly, he walked slowly, and he talked slowly. He said they don't usually take an order without a call-back number. I said my phone had also been locked in my car, so I couldn't give him one. He went to work, slowly, and in about 5 minutes had undone the lock. This is the advantage of 2004 Toyotas...it's a manual lock, not one of the new kind. I don't know how people get into those cars...so maybe I'd better steer away from getting one. 

Today's quote:

The Dalai Lama says:

“Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.” 


  1. ...I've locked the key in my car many times, now I have a key in my wallet.

    1. I have my extra key in my purse, so when I took out my wallet to go pay for lunch, I forgot to grab keys. When I go for a walk I always leave my purse locked in my trunk, since I know people can break windows in cars in parking lots to steal purses. But this was a new place to stop, and my habit didn't transfer...I sure will try to remember that next time. And a key in my wallet might help too!

  2. This brings to mind one weekend when Sue was away, and I was in charge of Allyson. If memory serves, I locked my keys in thrice on one day. (I can be extremely absent-minded and was concentrating on running Allyson about.) But I knew how to break-in then. I wouldn't have a clue now.

    1. It is always interesting to see how people (not locksmiths) get into cars so easily. I have seen police easily open locked cars with a jimmy...but I thought the insurance people would be less intimidating. Now I'm considering a new insurance company!

  3. I don't think our car will let you lock it if the keys are in it. I know that if I leave my purse in the car with my set of keys, and Dan tries to lock the car it will give some annoying beeps first. This is a car with remote key fob. Don't even put key in the ignition.
    Sorry you had to wait so long. Luckily he did come by to help you.

    1. I wondered how the new systems work. Glad they are trying to design around us absent minded folks.

  4. I'm glad the guy showed up and was able to get into your car. We have a Prius with one of those beep-beep "key" things that won't let us lock the "key" inside. It's strange not having to actually put a key in to open the car door or even turn on the engine. The modern world is little bit weird.

    1. I may live long enough to get a Prius...assuming some models become old enough to be in my budget eventually!

  5. I have a set of keys in my basket in the house if I need them, but getting someone to bring them to me would be the issue. AAA has been a lifesaver for me with flat tires and uncooperative batteries. Glad that the problem was taken care of and that you passed your waiting time productively!

    1. It was just the right weather and place to have me be so absent minded!

  6. Replies
    1. And it turned yellow probably from the water I've been feeding it (just tap water.) It was creamy colored when I bought it!

  7. I don't drive anymore so that isn't a problem. I did have a few lock ins before though and had to wait for someone to pick up my keys at home and then bring them to me. The things we do to ourselves. :)
    Nice quote, I like it.

    1. Ha! I have taken Tom's thought above to heart...and when I went out today I put an extra key in my wallet. AndI took my whole purse with me everywhere I went (except when walking around the lake, then a key and a phone were with me.)

  8. It hasn't happened to me before, but I remember it happening to my mother. One of my brothers had to come into town with the spare keys at home.

    1. Unfortunately, I'm so silly. The extra set of keys is also in the purse, and the apartment was locked tight...which is not always what I do. I wonder if my friends still have an extra key to my apt. from when I was sick and thought I might just kick the bucket any night. I'll have to ask them!

  9. Oh, I once locked myself out of my car and called AAA. Fortunately they got there in half an hour.

  10. Those images of that orchid sure are beautiful!

    I'm glad your friend was home!


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