Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, February 12, 2021

All stocked up for a couple of weeks

 Last week I paused in my shopping to take a few shots of this, one of my favorite grocery stores!

Early on a Tuesday morning I drove to Asheville before doing many of my normal morning things. Wanted to get there before many people were also shopping. And I was among maybe 20 in the whole store, which was doable for 6 foot distancing.

I carefully drove my cart around and around, and I think I got enough produce that should be cooked in the next couple of days...in order to keep for a few weeks...as soups, stews etc.

Aldi's has a great selection of produce, especially early in the day.  I now skip the meat and cheese departments...which look pretty good. I had to grab some more coffee, a fair trade brand.

You can see by the slightly out-of-focus shot that only 2 other people were bagging their groceries after I left.

I was happy to get everything into my 3 big shopping bags...then carted them out to the car. I learned the first time I visited that this is a "bag it yourself" store.

My next stop was to visit with a friend who works at a gas station...and I filled up the gas tank and did a car wash as well. Then home to put away groceries and then a walk with another friend around the lake! All in good time. Except I'd not done my morning meds or nebulizer treatment. Oh well. When I got home I did them at lunch time. And didn't seem the worse for changing the timing so I could shop early.

That night I fixed a couple of heads of broccoli in the steamer and some rice and a patty of fake meat for dinner. There are still lots of other things to cook and eat for my plant based low-fat diet.

Quote for today:

... the most fundamental scientific ‘fact’ is not the existence of a universe of things in space and time but awareness of such a universe.

Awareness is not a ‘thing’ that can evolve from or arise out of an unaware or insentient universe of things. On the contrary all things in the universe emerge and take shape out of a universal awareness. 

—Peter Wilberg
The Awareness Principle


  1. Your cart load seems small, but then you're cooking for one. We seem to load down every week.

    1. And I find different things to buy at 3 different stores...which I keep saying I'll stop going to them in person...but I've got 2 more weeks before I'll receive my second vaccination, so I'll try to behave. This week I slipped and have been shopping in person several places over two days.

  2. ...I love Aldi and I drive to a small town near here to shop. They don't have as many shopper and that is nice.

    1. I agree...and I'd never been there till the last year or so. Now I really like it.

  3. A day of getting things done--good for you!

    1. That's true, but I'm worried that I'm out and around people more than I should...at least until this COVID scare settles. I just read that North Carolina is now having a 5% rate - not sure what it is, but it's definitely a good sign.

  4. Replies
    1. Some days I manage to get a lot done. Today (not the day I wrote this post) I didn't have breakfast till noon. So at 2:30 I had lunch, just to catch up!

  5. I haven't been in a grocery store since mid-November. We don't have Aldi here, but my local Safeway does a good job for pick up. I've been satisfied so far.

    1. I will probably try to have a pick up at the store order next week. I keep saying that, but can't seem to make a list without just going out and purchasing something on it. Gotta break that habit.

  6. I've heard good things about Aldi, but never shopped there. I prefer to do one-stop shopping rather than going to multiple stores, especially with COVID. Now I do all my shopping on-line and drive to the store for pick-up. They load in in my truck, and off I go. It's great!

    1. That's a great plan...and I keep saying I'll do that, but I've not gotten into the list making habit yet.

  7. We walk to Aldi every Monday. It takes us 10 minutes and 2 minutes from that is Lidl. We have four places to shop if we want to and a butcher shop here in town. Aldi is the place we do most of our shopping. Only go to the others if they have something on sale. Love Aldi prices, you can't beat them.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I am so glad they located a store in Asheville, which is just 15 miles away...so I have to drive. But I love the prices as well as the produce selection!

  8. I don't find much to buy in our local Aldi's. They wrap meat and produce very tightly in plastic and to me that changes the taste.


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