Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, February 8, 2021

A very satisfying lunch


The last serving of my herb potato salad from Earth Fare grocery. And my hamburger that's plant based! However the thin whole wheat bread didn't make it through the whole sandwich, and I used my fork to eat the second half! I didn't see any reason to purchase a package of buns for the two patties I bought. The second patty was eaten plain, with various side dishes!

All the oil around the patties came from them, in my non-stick skillet. And I found pressing down on the patties to make them bigger, thinner, was a good idea. All the impossible burgers I've had at restaurants were thin and wide!

Yes, there's lots of fat grams in each one! But the taste is definitely of a real piece of hamburger!

This is what I made my sandwich from..as well as a bit of Veganaise. A flatter piece of lettuce and a bigger slice of tomato might have helped...as well as a real bun! I found it interesting that the 20 grams of protein was offset by 18 grams of fat. Many plant-based eaters scoff at that and say it's worse for you than a real hamburger. But hey, pea protein didn't mean killing a cow!


Today's quote:

Listen to your heart and trust the direction you are being pulled.
Something inside you already knows what to do.



  1. It looks good, and I am sure that it tasted fine. But I do think you could treat yourself to a bun. :)

  2. ...I find it interesting that plant based burgers are more expensive that beef.

    1. You are right, except for the highest cost beef. I didn't catch the weight of these...in order to compare to maybe $7/pound meat.

    2. Oh there it is, 4 oz. per patty, at $7 I think for two...yep, you could have a pound (16 oz) of raw hamburger.

  3. We would often order the Beyond burger at the Pub when we lived at the retirement community. It was quite tasty. Now that I'm doing the cooking again I haven't looked for those to purchase.

  4. That does look pretty tasty. I am surprised by the fat content. I wonder why that is. Mmm?

    1. It may be why it tastes so good. All kinds of other meat substitute patties also have lots of fat, and don't taste as good.

  5. I like black bean burgers, but am not a fan of hamburger in general. So, I stick with other alternatives. Can you crumble it up in spaghetti sauce or in casseroles?

    1. Sure you could. I wouldn't pay for this to do that...there are other kinds of meat crumbles that taste like chicken.

  6. We just tried a new burger called Plant Life. It doesn't taste like a real burger but it was good. I haven't eat beef in decades, just don't care for the taste. The plant burgers came in a package of 2 patties and cost €1.69.

    1. That's a good sounding meat replacement. Not sure the conversion of your money to mine though.

  7. I gave a plant based burger a try, but it's just not for me.

    1. I kind of like the veggie patties for their own flavors, not expecting them to taste like meat, until this one.

  8. Barbara your burger looks delicious! I have yet to try plant based meat substitute. Is the salt content low? I'll ahev to check this out the next time I go grocery shopping.

    1. It sure was good tasting. I didn't look at sodium, but the label I published above says 350 mg per serving, which is pretty high.


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