Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

San Juan River and mountains and Medicine Hat

Beginning to see mesas and "monuments" in the distance...

Though I frequently would see oil wells pumping away, I was seldom quick enough to get a photo of them.

Then there were these black shiny rocks which we couldn't identify.

Coming to a stop where another highway joins...just love that huge pile of rocks...

We stopped to pick up a snack...which ended up taking 30 minutes to prepare a "to-go" of bread, veggies and a very heavily garlic hummus.  Apparently everyone who was seated got preference.

There's that brilliant salmon colored earth! And look at those wrinkled mountains!~

Georgia O'Keeffe would definitely love this!

First view of Medicine Hat...behind those power lines...shucks.

We kept exclaiming over the beautiful colors!
We crossed a bridge over the Santa Fe River


  1. Hello, the mountain views are beautiful. The river looks beautiful too. Great collection of photos. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Replies
    1. No wonder people (and animals) would move from one watering hole to the next!

  3. Love seeing the mountains there. Yes, I think you're right about Georgia O'Keefe loving the views.

    1. And she captured them in paintings so beautifully too!

  4. Recently I took a course in geology and I can only imagine how much a geologist would salivate going through that area. And for the average traveller the sheer beauty of it all is equally rewarding.

    1. Yes David...I had a course in geology in college (eons ago) and have been told this area used to be in a huge ocean.

  5. Wow, what a beautiful landscape with all those rugged mountains and rocks. A great series of photos, thanks for sharing these beauties.

    1. Thanks so much Bill. I am thrilled to share these beautiful views. I can't take much credit for what is out there...just used the old phone camera.

  6. What a magnificent area!

    There's a city here in the west called Medicine Hat. Didn't know there was a landscape feature of the same name.

    1. A little spot on the map is also the town of Medicine Hat AZ.


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