Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Deer, beautiful deer!

Hello beautiful...this guy may have somehow heard the tiny (half loud) click of the iphone camera...cause he stopped to look at me. I was at a window in my bedroom. What a great view...at about 8:20 am on Tues. Oct. 1.

Yesterday there was one doe.  Today three bucks!

 She also looked right at me...then I muted the camera shutter-sound.

These are mule deer rather than the white tailed variety I'm used to back east. I had no idea I knew that, but I looked it up and I was right...here the rump is all white rather than just the tail..and those ears definitely speak mule.

One of the bucks.

Same buck...

They were in no hurry, just browsing as they went along.  If they appear each of my mornings here, I guess I'll stop taking so many pictures!

Now that I've left Colorado, I can say that they didn't come again at the time I was looking out the window for the rest of my visit.

Sharing with Saturday's Critters.

Today's quote:
By always using our cell phones, texting and surfing the Internet, we actually become less connected and more distracted


  1. Love to see those deer :) How fortunate they came to visit while you were there! We don't get any deer here in our very developed, very residential neighborhood... :(

  2. ...one of nature's beautiful creatures.

  3. Hello, the mule deer are pretty. Great sighting right out your window. I enjoyed the photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, Enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks for the visit and comment.

  4. You can't have too many pictures of deer! Beautiful critters!

  5. They are gorgeous! We have much smaller deer here in Florida but I love seeing them. Neat photos!

  6. Wow, you got some incredible and beautiful shots of this lovely creature. Very nice indeed!


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