Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, October 4, 2019

On to Santa Fe

I was on my own now...which meant drivers don't take photos much...unless I could pull over or had the front position at a red light. (OK, some of these might have been as I started back forward from a stop.)

 There's the end of that mountain range (The Sandias)...I'm going beyond it!

 Ah, but more mountains are up ahead...

Sof after checking in at a motel, I went exploring in Santa Fe.

 Downtown is fantastic...all these old buildings that are mainly stores, galleries, and restaurants.

 The square is blocked off so traffic goes around, but pedestrians can go see whatever is there.  My friend in Black Mountain who used to live in Santa Fe told me that the jewelry sold by Native Americans on one side of the square is all juried so it is authentic and good quality. I couldn't see them as I drove around...this time.

 Many of the streets were one way, and the one I was on ended at the Bascilica Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi.

 I'll have more photos of it later!

 Another view of the plaza.

 And this view actually shows the Native American jewelry vendors on the far side of the street.

I went back to the motel and took a nap. All these new things to see were tiring me out! I went out to dinner later on, and then tried to stay up late (writing blogs, what else?) so I could get used to the time change.  I keep wanting to eat 2 hours ahead of everyone else...as well as wake up in the mornings!

Today's Quote:
We all walk in mysteries. We are surrounded by an atmosphere about which we still know nothing at all.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


  1. Replies
    1. The buildings all over town have the "pueblo" look, even the newer ones. Perhaps a few were built before strict zoning prohibitions went into effect...I did find one home that was in the "arts and crafts style."

  2. I love seeing these photos of Santa Fe. I've never been there and probably won't make it in this lifetime. It really is beautiful there.

    1. I just happened to land here...and appreciated the chance, but it wasn't a place that I had hoped to go to! Grateful that I did though!

  3. I always wanted to visit Santa Fe but never did. I love seeing your photos from around town. Thank you!

  4. The landscapes and architecture are beautiful!


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