Wednesday, October 23, 2019

San Juan River and mountains and Medicine Hat

Beginning to see mesas and "monuments" in the distance...

Though I frequently would see oil wells pumping away, I was seldom quick enough to get a photo of them.

Then there were these black shiny rocks which we couldn't identify.

Coming to a stop where another highway joins...just love that huge pile of rocks...

We stopped to pick up a snack...which ended up taking 30 minutes to prepare a "to-go" of bread, veggies and a very heavily garlic hummus.  Apparently everyone who was seated got preference.

There's that brilliant salmon colored earth! And look at those wrinkled mountains!~

Georgia O'Keeffe would definitely love this!

First view of Medicine Hat...behind those power lines...shucks.

We kept exclaiming over the beautiful colors!
We crossed a bridge over the Santa Fe River


  1. Hello, the mountain views are beautiful. The river looks beautiful too. Great collection of photos. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Replies
    1. No wonder people (and animals) would move from one watering hole to the next!

  3. Love seeing the mountains there. Yes, I think you're right about Georgia O'Keefe loving the views.

    1. And she captured them in paintings so beautifully too!

  4. Recently I took a course in geology and I can only imagine how much a geologist would salivate going through that area. And for the average traveller the sheer beauty of it all is equally rewarding.

    1. Yes David...I had a course in geology in college (eons ago) and have been told this area used to be in a huge ocean.

  5. Wow, what a beautiful landscape with all those rugged mountains and rocks. A great series of photos, thanks for sharing these beauties.

    1. Thanks so much Bill. I am thrilled to share these beautiful views. I can't take much credit for what is out there...just used the old phone camera.

  6. What a magnificent area!

    There's a city here in the west called Medicine Hat. Didn't know there was a landscape feature of the same name.

    1. A little spot on the map is also the town of Medicine Hat AZ.


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