Tuesday, October 22, 2019

More of the Cortez CO family's place

The first few days of my visit I got to enjoy the dry desert heat...but then it cooled down by the time I left...

The back side of Mesa Verde - a long mountain.

Looking toward far left, that's where there's an entrance to the Mesa Verde park from Durango. After we visited the park, including the highest peak, I wonder where it is from this view.

Here comes my son to take me back to the High School to watch soccer! He works there as a mentor to help kids graduate and go on to college.

The game was already started, and our team was leading (for the first time in 9 games) We went on to win!

At half time, the 3 graduating seniors on the team, and their parents were recognized by the Assistant Principal.

After the game we stopped by a historic marker just down the road at McElmo Gorge...

For me, seeing these cactus bloom was special.

What the gorge looks like where the road passes over it.

A small building on the other side of the gorge (probably not this one) is the site of an archeological dig.


  1. Hello, what a nice visit with your family. It is a pretty place. I love the cactus blooms and the views. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen...I was surprised to see cactus blooming in late summer!

  2. ...it would take a lot of adjusting for me to call this home!

    1. It's certainly beautiful, but a hard environment. More sky and dirt than I would choose.

  3. Replies
    1. Me too...I wondered where the pathway was leading down to the river/springs at the bottom...probably about where the bridge now crosses it. I wish I'd tried to contact the Cortez Historical Society. There were so many museums around I started with the indigenous peoples, sort of skipped all the European settlers.

  4. I love that window shot, very nice indeed!

    1. Thanks, Bill! I think the first one was my attempt to do an artsy window...but the sliding glass framed another pretty scene in the second.


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