Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Some Sepia photos and maybe some critters too!

In order to give a Sepia Saturday post (which I try to do weekly) and maybe Saturday Critters for Eileen's meme...I'm looking, I'm looking...

I was named after my great grandmother, Eugenia Almeda Booth Miller (1873-1936). My mother was mostly raised by her. Yes, 'Booth' is the part of her name I carry. 'Eugenia' had already gone to a cousin. And I'm kind of glad not to be Almeda! So I'm celebrating G-Grandma Eugenia.

Sepia Saturday's suggested meme is Highs and Lows.

Here are definitely some men engaged in something "high"

Acrobats balance on top of the Empire State Building, 1934.

New York City in snow storm, 1888 - just look at those wires!

Worlds Fair, 1964 New York NY - I was there! Those little gondola rides were also "high."

Giraffe and pup. A pair of high and low.

A leafy sea dragon - so amazing!

From high to low, he got his catch!

Today's quote:

"I speak two languages, Body and English."
also, "Between two evils, I like to pick the one I haven't tried before." 
and, "I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."

. -Mae West, actress, playwright, singer, screenwriter, and comedian (1893-1980)


  1. ...I remember snowy winters of my youth!

    1. There were many snowy winters, if you lived in the right places!

  2. Hello,
    Love the photo of your grandmother! The acrobats are brave, to be so high!
    Love the cute giraffes, the sea-dragon and the kingfisher. Cute kitties on the pumpkin.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. So happy to have found a few critters to share, and thanks for coming by Eileen!

  3. Interesting pictures. I’ve gotten so jaded by AI that I wonder if that kingfisher in the ice is real or not.

    1. I think I can guess it's real, by the amount of time it's been in my folder. But I may also have forgotten that. I captured it in March 2024 from FaceBook, so it does fall within the umbrella of possible AI photo shopping.

  4. You are very dedicated and always come up with something.

    1. I must chuckle at being called dedicated! Sure do come up with something however!

  5. I also went to the New York Wiorld's Fair! I was a pre-teen but remember it so well!

    1. I remember having two ingrown toenails on my big toes on each foot...so walking was not much fun. But I did push through and enjoy seeing lots of displays, and riding the gondolas.

  6. I also went to the New York World's Fair, but didn't ride the gondola and now wish that i had, Barbara. Those acrobats on top of the Empire State Building must have been very confident in their abilities. Nice to "meet" your great grandmother.

    1. I was just glad to find a place to get off my feet, so didn't pay attention to my usual fear of heights! Those acrobats would have been a great AI effort if it had been printed in the last year...but back then we have to take it as a real display of talent! For that I'm enjoying looking at sepia photos.

  7. Interesting and fun pix to match the prompt. The color photo of Mom & baby giraffes is adorable. :) So is Booth your middle name?

    1. Yes I'm Barbara Booth. I loved the baby giraffes with their moms.

  8. What beautiful critter photos and I loved the old photos too. I look for them using a google search for people and places I'm interested in. It keeps me entertained for hours!

    1. Oh my, I'd definitely go down a rabbit hole if I did that. I usually just see things I like on Facebook and when enough of the similar things come together, post them.

  9. An interesting mix of images, though I don’t know what “critters” are. That image of the acrobats on the top of the Empire States Building is quite something! Not my idea off a fun activity!

    1. Ah, critters are any kind of animals. Not sure where the term came from, but it's certainly related to creatures. Those acrobats must have made a lot of money (I hope.)

  10. This was a fun selection of highs n' lows. I liked the animals best as I used to catch seahorses near my home on the Chesapeake Bay and I used to think a giraffe would make a nice pet. (Though of course I now have more sense than to ever buy one. But what if one followed me home?)

    1. Ha ha ha...a giraffe who followed you home! There were some bulls who broke loose in some town on the news tonight...and one is still at large. Want a big cow instead? I am amazed that you caught seahorses in Chesapeake Bay. I always think of them as some exotic south pacific critter. I love both seahorses and giraffes, but wouldn't want to own either.

  11. That photo of what I think is a Kingfisher is amazing. Lovely post to read.


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