Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, September 6, 2024

Around my town


Good news. The permits have been figured out and the building of our new gazebo is scheduled to start this week. We sure do miss our old one.

Early after it's installation, without the tree being very big behind it.

Taken from inside the old gazebo in 2023, where there was obvious graffiti.

Also this week, I glanced out my open front door, it was cracked to let in the wonderful cool air, and who should I see fluttering around but this lovely little one, (photo from the internet) either female ruby throated hummingbird, or juvenile. He/She kept trying out what blooms were available, and it sure wasn't much! Sorry little one, I didn't plan for nectar producing flowers this year. I should think hard about it for next year.

The geranium has nothing blooming, and they never have nectar that I know of. A sad little guy. 

But wait, speaking of wildlife! My neighbor on the same courtyard told me that as she walked past my porch yesterday in the afternoon, a bear came out from under the porch next to mine. We both have these raised porches to get up to our apartment floor levels. Apparently it was a small bear, because my neighbor just stood there and didn't know what to do she was so surprised! Bear meandered off around the building. 

Either that one or another proceeded to get into two different garbage cans that were full last night, so the maintenance man had to pick up what wasn't eaten. I think I'll put my garbage out in the morning when it's about to be picked up. Maybe having only an hour or two will be safe enough for my trash to be collected as intended.

Do you recognize this building? It is the new glass studio that's been renovated considerably. 

For a year we got to see this pretty mural which covered a lot of construction work.

Next year there will be real glass blowing, and sales finally in this building!

Today's quote:

"That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment." Dorothy Parker


  1. All very pretty - though I could get by without the bear!

    1. I know...I do hope the little guy doesn't decide to nap there again!

  2. ...thanks for showing me around.

  3. Pretty images, love the gazebo. Great capture of the Hummingbird. The flowers and plants are beautiful. Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Internet gave me Hummingbird photo, but that's who I saw around my plants. Hope the new gazebo will be as pretty as the old one!

  4. A gazebo sounds great!! And all the views, awww. Have a great day!

    1. Just a few views of my driving around. Haven't felt much like walking.

  5. the area around your town seems very pretty.

    1. Thanks, I just stop and take photos as I drive around (or walk to lunch from the parking lot at Lakeview Center)

  6. I put my bins out the night before if it isn't too windy, but I leave the garbage bags until morning to keep them safe from critters, which would be mostly birds and squirrels here. Fortunately, the garbage isn't picked up at least until after 9, but the bin guys may come early.

    1. I just decided to consolidate my kitchen garbage with the rest of the house collections...where I used to take out the veggie scraps more often. I'm not cooking much so don't have as many scraps to worry about, banana peels still though. Then out it all goes on day of pickup! But maybe I'm not as attuned to garbage smells, since the trash can is right near front door...will have to get another opinion on that!

  7. Hi Barbara, It's really nice that a new gazebo is being built...many places would just forget it and save the money. We've had several hummingbirds around this late summer/early fall. My wife maintains a sugar water hummingbird feeder and she plants lots of flowers too. We found a dead male hummingbird on our deck two days ago. Upon my wife's inspection she discovered that he'd been stabbed in the chest, probably while fighting another male hummingbird. Sound like a yearling bear looking for territory and food. The problem is that if they get used to raiding trash cans or bins, they end up being euthanized as they become too dependent on humans and their bad habits multiply. Bear resistant containers are the only answer...although dogs can chase off a young bear too. Love watching glass blowing pros. Amazing! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  8. The new gazebo will look great. Thanks for the tour and have a great weekend.

  9. That's a lovely gazebo. Beautiful photo of the hummingbird!

  10. I think we still have hummers around. Yesterday, anyway. I just love them.
    I hope the new gazebo is graffitti-less!
    I just took out our garbage. I have to wait until the morning of, of course, what with our bears and raccoons, and the crows!


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