Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September is here!

Today I have the memories of shuffling through piles of leaves, and the wonder of raking them to the curb where once upon a time someone would light them and stand watch as the smell of leaves burning flavored the cool dry air. Maybe last enjoyed in the 70s.  No more, no more.

Well, we will be able to shuffle through leaves if we just take ourselves to a wooded place. I'm pretty sure my sons and grandchildren will have jumped into a pile of raked leaves - waiting to be put into big bags for pick-up by some civic truck or another.

These days the best use of fallen leaves is to chop them up and use them as mulch wherever you wish.

A tunnel on the Blue Ridge Parkway in 2023

It will be another month (mid Oct.) till we're at the peak of leaf color season. The tree above had it's picture taken Oct 23, 2023.

The other major thing for my life is that school has started, with several trickle-down effects. First the pool has closed so more parking is available for us seniors when we come to lunch at the Lakeview Center. Second, I need to avoid being behind school busses at around 2:30-3:00 most afternoons. Also avoid shopping at that time, when moms hurry around the aisles getting last minute preps with school age kids somewhat under their eye. Not always. I just avoid the situations.

While American politicians seem interested in the sizes of crowds they attract, here's a crowd of followers of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressing the capacity crowd of 15,000 at the Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland on August 25, 2024. Photo by Manuel Bauer.

Yesterday I decided to stay home rather than go to the market to sell some pots. Not sure if it was a good decision, but I do tend to move to more conservative decisions these days. My health continues to be a very important factor. Today I'm going to enjoy Sarah Vekasi's talk about Cultivating Joy at the UU Church. She's an Eco-Chaplin with Buddhist training...and a potter!

Today's quote:
We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us, not even the Buddha. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life?

HH the Dalai Lama


  1. Luckily all still green here.
    War is never acceptable. It is dumb. Well,and monstrous.
    Would love to listen, but that is way too many people.
    Ingo is sick again. I have a hard time with that... Death is near always, but then I could get a heart-attack and fall from the chair. We need to enjoy every day!

    1. Good attitude, to enjoy each day. I sometimes like to read what the Dalai Lama has said, but of course he doesn't give his talks in English, (I would think).

  2. ...and Trump draws crowds far larger than the Dalai Lama, a new stump speech!

    1. A strange comparison, but since the religious right is tRump's bedfellow, I would imagine putting down any other religious perspective is included.

  3. Hello and Happy September to you!
    Love the tree photos, we are seeing little bits of color here. It has been very dry, not sure how the fall colors will look here. Your health should always take priority! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen. And thanks for hosting the great Saturday critters meme!

  4. Our foliage is not great. We get some trees that turn colours but not many. I like listening and reading the Dalai Lama. My wife has listened to some talks on youtube but that was a while back. Hope September brings more joy, happiness and health to you.

  5. Here's the link to the Dalai Lama youtube channel if you are interested

    1. Thanks Bill. I had not gone that far, but I do enjoy learning from him!

  6. My previous comment wasn't published, what a pain but typical for blogger.
    Foliage here is not very good, hardly any trees have the spectacular colours but a very few do. I hope September brings you joy, happiness and better health.

    1. Well, I did get the comment about the Dalai Lama's YouTube. I will enjoy the cooler weather, but wait patiently for colors. I hope my blogger friends who live further north than me will post some photos of their tree changes!

  7. I am glad that fall is arriving on the calendar, but not yet on the trees as there is still a lot of greenery here in nashua, NH. Hopefully by mid-October, there will be some wonderful oranges, reds and yellows. I well remember shuffling through leaves and raking them as well.

  8. Oh, that’s a good reminder about school buses. They can make you late for your appointment.

  9. We used to rake piles of leaves and then divide them into rooms for playhouses, in addition of course to jumping in them! The leaves were well worn by the time we were through with them.
    Fall has arrived early here, in terms of leaves. Because of the drought, many trees are already changing color.
    I am glad to hear you are being careful with your health. Covid is certainly rampant these days.

  10. Now I remember taking the grandkids to piles of leaves in the woodsy area behind their house. Somebody thought that it was a good place to dump them, and I agreed.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.