Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Women, where are you now?

A newsletter in my in-box Monday! Interesting thoughts come through the women and men pushing for North Carolina to ratify the ERA. 

Gender Wages: Same old gap, same old crap.

"It’s Labor Day 2023: do you know where your equity is? Things today are not far from where they stood 20 years ago. One hopeful change: younger female workers’ pay is creeping closer to younger men’s. On the downside, older women are still at a gross disadvantage, particularly older Black and Hispanic women.

Try living on $30,000 a year, especially if you’re a single mom. Two out of three full-time workers with jobs that pay less than $30,000 a year are female!

We know that women’s work is largely undervalued. Some experts say the real gap lies in the ‘choices’ women make. Let’s see ... should I take a part-time job so I’m home when kids get out of school? Or pay a childcare person who may make more than I do? One tough choice after another is what moms are forced to make. The problem is societal, not just corporate.

Source: U S. Department of Labor

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Alliance sponsors NCAWA Conference

"Good lawyers are our good friends when fighting for justice. That’s why we’re proud to sponsor the N.C. Association of Women Attorneys annual conference to be held in Charlotte on Sept. 29.  

Our task force on gender references in North Carolina’s statutes is humming along, quietly making progress with suggested edits to ensure nondiscrimination in the language of our laws." 

If Nevada can do it, we can too.

"On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the ERA, Nevada voters did something even more historic than authoring the Equal Rights Amendment.

One ‘yes’ at a time, they amended their state constitution to guarantee equal rights for all,
regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin.

The amendment was on the ballot and the people decided. They voted for what was fair, for justice for their families, their neighbors, themselves.

North Carolinians can do the same. Join the ERA-NC Alliance and let’s make it happen."

Thanks ERA NC Alliance!


  1. Replies
    1. And yet so many women seem enthralled by tRump and those who would keep women subsurvient to men (see last picture)

  2. It is a shame we are still having to fight for equal rights. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I can't believe it either. So many women. So frustrating that we women haven't been able to do what we need!

  3. Newspapers.com just posted this: September 19, 1893: New Zealand Becomes The First Nation to Give Women the Right to Vote
    In the late 1800s, women around the globe began organizing and advocating for the right to vote. On September 19, 1893, 130 years ago, New Zealand passed the Electoral Act and became the first self-governing country in the world to allow women the right to vote in parliamentary elections. It would take another 27 years for the United States to follow suit. The victory came after a hard-fought fight led by Kate Sheppard, a leading activist for the women’s suffrage movement in New Zealand.

  4. I have hope that things will improve. For our granddaughters.

  5. That last photo reminds me of how I lost one blogger friend. She thought it was nice to see a Muslim couple, he in western apparel and she veiled (at least partly). I posted something like the picture, that I would be impressed if he were in traditional clothes and she in western garb. I never hear form her again.

    1. I post light humor at Christians, so figure if Muslims don't get a laugh every now and then, they might feel left out.


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