Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, September 8, 2023

Our upside down world

 "The one who pollutes the environment must not become richer than the one who protects the environment. At the moment it is the other way round. There are so many opportunities to improve things. I still hold that thought. But sod the housing co-ops, the reclaim the night marches, the pay gap campaigns, the long distractions from what really matters, the last and only issue that we must not pretend we cannot see or understand. I haven't even dared to think of visions yet.

The belief that success in the fight against global warming depends on how much each and every one of us does keeps us from taking the really important and courageous actions required today. Instead, it promotes a consumerism that functions like an indulgence handout in order to relieve our conscience and continue to close our eyes to the reality of the crisis. Capitalism pretends to care about the environment and we even fall for this greenwashing.

Kohei Saito"

Thanks to fellow blogger  at this post.

I commented as follows on her blog:

...sharing your last two paragraphs. They hit home to many of my friends who are very aware, and sometimes making efforts individually and in families, but unable to push to more community or national legal efforts. We are mired in Republican effluence which makes mere survival for those most effected by the climate crisis our highest goal on a political front.


And a friend who doesn't blog, but posts on Facebook, and sends substack publications, Robertson Work says:

"From a Capitalist Economy to a Compassionate Economy
The purpose of an economy is to care for all people, all species, and all ecosystems, not to make a few people rich. The current economy harms most people, drives animal and plant species to extinction, pollutes air, water, and soil, creates a climate emergency, promotes warfare, and makes a few people rich.
All people of goodwill must help make a radical shift from a capitalist economy to a compassionate economy if life on Earth is to continue and flourish.
Billionaires around the world are worth $12.2 trillion and millionaires are worth $200 trillion. There must be a wealth tax now to promote social justice and ecological regeneration.
Big Money must not be allowed to control government, essential services, and the media. Labor unions must grow. Consolidations should not be allowed. Wage levels should support a family. UBI is needed now.
It is possible and necessary to do all of this. There are 8 billion amazing humans on Earth, and only 60 million of us are millionaires or billionaires.
Have you read my book A Compassionate Civilization?
GOTV (get out the vote), speak out, write, care for those in need, demonstrate change at the local level, and do all you can."


Sharing with Skywatch Friday

Today's quote:

Live your life as an experiment. 

-Pema Chodron, Buddhist nun and author (b. 1936)


  1. It seems the billionaires only care about themselves or other billionaires! Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  2. images are still deceptive. there are places that still seem peaceful and unspoilt, like oases, while the world is becoming more chaotic by the day

    1. I took this photo. It is a panorama. Not sure what you mean, images being deceptive. Yes within a mile is the interstate with lots of drivers in a hurry to be somewhere else. So it Lake Tomahawk is in a way an oasis. And climate chaos is real, happening to all of us everywhere still. We need to give better care to each other!

  3. It is very much upside down... a sad truth.

    1. There has always been a saying that you can't get those in power to vote against their power.

  4. Barbara, Regarding my last post...and fruit production. It should have read 1890...repaired now. Thanks. I am a capitalist and our way of life made it possible for me to live nicely but not extravagantly. Many billionaires and a millionaires are completely self-focused and only want to accumulate more! No doubt that is part of the problem with capitalism. I have no problem with some sort of wealth tax or minimum tax on the wealthy as well as corporations. It can't be so high or punitive that it discourages innovation though. We should also go after tax cheats and profits made by US companies operating overseas. Billions are wasted by poor governmental controls too...the best example being the billions granted to struggling companies that were total shams. Then there are the millions wasted in Medicare fraud, no bid purchases by the government, etc. Of course, the question of fair pay is a double edged sword... I still struggle with a fast food worker making $15 - $20 an hour. Those jobs were just not intended to serve as careers. Yes...teachers, police officers and many laboring folks are underpaid and deserve more. But, higher wages lead to higher costs/prices, necessitating even higher wages. A true conundrum. Its a complex and crazy world and it isn't getting any simpler for folks to cope. Just my opinion... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Great to hear all these details about the problems going on in our economy. I'm going to post something tomorrow (just a bit from ) Robert Reich posted today...about the economy and politics these days. I should read the whole book, as he says this is just the 6th chapter. Can't wait till he publishes the 7th. And whew, so glad to know Missouri's fruit production was high in 1890 rather than 1990!

  5. Thank you, Barbara, for sharing your wisdom!

    1. He said as I quoted him! A bit of fun with you Robertson. I do admire your work, and your words!

  6. Replies
    1. True enough. The world will continue no matter what we do to it.

  7. Amen!! I keep hearing people say that even if global warming were true, that all we have to do is just adjust for it.So simple, right. How do millions of people who live along the coasts adjust when their houses are wiped out during hurricanes. Plus, from what i read many of the migrants coming in illegally to our country are displaced by bad weather causing crop failures where they are from. This is what adjustment looks like.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.