Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

New White House office for Gun Violence Prevention

Sorry I didn't end up posting this last week when it was hot news...

President Biden is creating a new office for gun violence prevention to coordinate his administration's efforts to reduce gun violence and elevate an issue that — while stalled in Congress — remains important to Democratic activists and young voters.

Biden will formally make the announcement at the White House on (probably last) Friday. Vice President Harris will oversee the office, and White House staff secretary Stefanie Feldman will direct its work.

"This office will dig deep to find additional life-saving actions that this administration can take," Feldman told reporters, explaining that it will aim to coordinate support for communities hurt by gun violence.

Gun-control activists have been privately advocating for such an office for years and it comes as hopes of additional gun reform legislation seem unlikely. Two activists are joining the new White House office: Greg Jackson, a survivor of gun violence who has led the Community Justice Action Fund, and Rob Wilcox, who has worked at the groups Everytown for Gun Safety and Brady.

Activists hope the office will enable Biden to make more use of his presidential bully pulpit to push for more gun safety measures.

[ Robb Elementary School shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas, United States, when 18-year-old Salvador Ramos,[5][6] a former student at the school, fatally shot 19 students and two teachers, while 17 others were injured but survived.]

"We need a White House team to focus on this issue on a daily basis," said Po Murray, chair of the Newtown Action Alliance, a grassroots organization started after a 2012 mass shooting at an elementary school killed 20 children and six adults.

"It is a national crisis," Murray said.

Murray argued that public opinion is on Biden's side. In a recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, a majority of Americans said it's more important to curb gun violence than protect gun rights.

"I do believe that the president is aware that this is a winning issue for him, and it is the high political ground. And obviously it's a high moral ground," she said.

Gun violence is a top-of-mind issue for Gen Z voters

The president has called for "common sense" regulations and a ban on assault-style weapons. Republicans and a small number of Democrats oppose the measures.

Advocates say Biden's new announcement helps show he is willing to act unilaterally on an issue important to young voters — at a time when he needs to energize this crucial voting bloc ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

During the 2018 midterm elections, addressing gun violence became a major part of the national Democratic campaign playbook. That was the first time gun control groups spent more money than gun rights groups like the National Rifle Association.

"There's been a paradigm shift, I think, in American politics around guns," said David Hogg, who co-founded March For Our Lives after a mass shooting at his high school in Parkland, Fla., five years ago.

"[Democrats are] no longer running from this issue. They're running on it and proudly," he added.

Hogg said Biden needs young voters to win reelection. "That's not even my opinion. That's just objectively true. He needs young voters to win again, he especially needs younger voters of color that were critical to his election in 2020," he told NPR.

by By ,and  Sept 21, 2023


AND from info@everytown.org

"...we're making critical progress in the movement to end gun violence.

For decades, gun sellers have exploited loopholes in federal law that let them sell guns online and at gun shows without conducting background checks—and now we have a chance to change that. In a newly proposed regulation, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) under the Biden Administration's leadership is setting a clear and common-sense standard for when gun sellers must become licensed dealers and run background checks. It's the next step in building on the life-saving Bipartisan Safer Communities Act we helped pass last summer. Closing this loophole would be a huge victory for gun safety.

And we're celebrating more big news from the White House! Just last week, the Biden-Harris Administration unveiled a new Office of Gun Violence Prevention that will be based in the White House and advance the Administration's ambitious gun violence prevention agenda.

At the same time, we're making important progress at the state level: so far this year, state legislatures have passed more than 80 new gun safety policies and blocked more than 95% of the gun lobby's agenda.

"... fighting for gun safety at all levels of government would be impossible without our thousands of incredible Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers.

Then they ask for donations...to combat the gun lobby. Probably needed!


I also receive news from :

Gabby Giffords organization to control gun violence.


  1. Hello,
    More gun control laws are needed, something needs to be done to stop all this gun violence. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. These two organizations are fighting a well funded NRA with deep pockets, no wonder they need money. I haven't any to give, so I share what they say with others...changes needed NOW!

  2. ...in my humble opinion this a hopeless situation,

    1. There are already too many automatic guns owned by the wrong people, it is disheartening!

  3. It doesn't seem to occur to the GOP and NRA that a coming group of voters- teens and children- who have had to live with this for years will have political clout in the coming years.

    1. I do hope all those young people become a force during the next elections...they're being called Generation Z. Now what can come after that for their children?

  4. This is a step forward. It is such a shame the NRA has been in control, quashing actual studies and data. We are fighting this mind set here in Ontario.

    1. You said it...the money is what is speaking through NRA. But we can keep spreading the word, at least!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.