Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, September 11, 2022

The water producing philodendron

 You must be like me, sitting for a long time looking at this "ivy" type plant. Then near the base of that white stick, you might see the drip coming off the end of a leaf. And you might also see that a drip had already fallen on the leaf below it.

This one is harder to see, on the tip of second to bottom horizontal leaf. My little iPhone tried to focus on many background things, but I think there's even the beginning of a drip on the next leaf up, which shows against another philo leaf.

So I get to meditate on these strange drops on my plant. I only water it once a week, down in the center of the plant.  And there are more...but not on every leaf!

It's a mystery to me.

This last week started with a holiday on Monday (Labor Day). Then I bought my new car on Wednesday (Blue Ridge Roadrunner.) Then the Queen died on Thursday. THE QUEEN is dead, now there's a King. What will that mean? And Friday it was chilly when windows were open...so autumn is here...sort of. Saturday much rain and high of 64 F, and Sunday church with water communion where each person can bring a small amount of water from their summer activities to share into a big bowl. See, I can write up a whole week in one paragraph!

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley, Sept. 9, 2014. Rev. Michael Carter is to the direct right of the sign in a suit, and I'm wearing a red shirt directly behind and to the right of him.

Today's quote:
When we learn to attune ourselves to our inner compass, we follow a map that only we can see, our own path.
Daily Om


  1. Hello,
    The drops of water is strange, maybe humidity is causing the water? I hope you are enjoying your new car. Happy Sunday, have a great new week!

  2. You must be relieved to get your car!
    Love the philly, I have one, as well. It doesn't weep, though!

    1. And I haven't been driving around as much as I thought I would...perhaps enjoy sitting here reading blogs too much! Can't do both at the same time!

  3. ...I have seen drops of water too!

  4. Tap the screen where you want to focus.

    1. Ah, easy to say. When only 2 inches away, the focus goes to whatever the phone wants to ...not that tiny drop!

  5. The water communion sounds like a lovely idea.

    1. It was fun, and most people brought virtual water...not having a bottle handy when they were on vacation. It was a sweet ceremony!

  6. The water droplets are guttation--a release of excess moisture. Aren't plants amazing!

    1. Ah ha! The detective who knew the answer to the puzzle! Guttation. I wonder if it rhymes with gut, or goo. OK, lazy me will look it up! Sorry to say it looks like gut won.

  7. Did a miss photos of the new car? Trying to remember if I've ever had plants drip. Seems there was one once.

  8. Interesting about those drops of water on the leaves. Now I'm wondering how they got there. Mmm?

    1. Apparently overwatering...some way to get rid of the extra fluids. Guttation. Which is like Transpiration.

  9. Replies
    1. Me too, and highly unlikely I'll remember it for over a week!

  10. Wow, a sweaty plant! Impressive.

    1. Sweaty, interesting way of looking at it! I think I prefer sad and shedding tears.


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