Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Journal Project - Week 3

 Mon/ Aug 29, 2022 start of Journal Project week 3/4  

This will be my last post of a weekly journal. Sorry, just seems too repetitive.

Date with Helen and Teresa for lunch had been planned for months. Since Teresa is off from her job only on Mon. that was our limitation! Helen picked me up, and the restaurant we'd chosen didn't open till four...staffing issues. We ended up going to Ole's, which is my favorite restaurant as any of my readers know already.

And there were three other friends to surprise me with all the birthday party hoopla! A crown for me, flowers and little bags of presents. Which meant I wore the crown and opened the presents first. More on a blog about this great birthday event!

I'm at the far end of the group, wearing a tiara!

Afternoon a friend from church took me to look at cars in local dealer lots...and I found one of interest, that looked really good up front, low mileage and price in my range. But I wanted to drive it and have my mechanic check it out. Couldn't schedule with him till the next day. 

Tues Aug. 30, 2022

Early to car place, where the car of interest had a flat tire, but when they opened, they blew it up again, and I took it (with my advisor and trusty ride provider) to my mechanic. Mechanic said absolutely no...the bottom had too much rust. So we took it back and I went home. A couple hours later I met a good friend for brunch. I've know her since I lived in Tallahassee in the 70s! It's always good when we can see each other, though times are further apart these days. I look pretty tired (on the left) while M. looks cheerful.

Home for a nap...and looking on Craig's list for car listings. Big push to get the monthly newsletter for church finished for the proof reader and then published for tomorrow. 

Wed. Aug 31

Finally received money from insurance, to be wired to my checking account. At least I did the on line transfer and it should take effect within the next 2 days.

It's laundry day...for anyone's edification! Home chores to take care of. Audio book by Patti Calahan  "Becoming Mrs. Lewis" (fiction about C. S. Lewis getting married.)  Very good read (or listen as the case may be.)

Thurs Sept 1, 2022

Out at 9 to go look at two car dealer lots. There were 2 cars available in the first (which had another getting serviced whatever that means. Didn't consider either of them seriously.

At the second were 2 possibles, and one was really right for me. So again drive it (a long ways) to mechanic, who liked it. But oops, some fluid coming out of either transmission or steering. So I said to the dealer, if you fix that I'd like it. The dealer said they'd take care of it, and call me. I wonder if they will.. When I got home today around 4 (we'd had a nice Thai lunch somewhere in the driving around) I went straight to bed and slept till 6:30 pm. Got up and had the leftovers of Thai lunch.


Fri Sept 2. 2022

Nice and cool morning! I'm so tired of "Big Google" knowing everything about me. I recently was on the phone with a pharmacist and mentioned a new diagnosis I have, and the next day it appeared on my Facebook ads. Sometimes I'm more tolerant than others.

Today I put a deposit on a used car. I won't bother recording details here. I've been helped immensely by friends who've driven me to see cars, test driving a few, getting a few checked by my mechanic...and I think the one I've chosen will be great to own and drive. The dealer is fixing the problem my mechanic spotted, and I've put a down payment on it...and the cost is doable for me.

Friend brought me some fresh fruit, and a favorite treat, Pringles. I could eat the whole can at once...but am going to portion them out so I can enjoy how that salt hits me. Yes, I'm supposed to have low sodium diet...which is why I crave these so much. I figure once a week to have 6-7 Pringles won't kill me, and if it does, I'll die happy!

Saturday, Sept. 3 2022

And my blog life almost always does a Sepia Saturday blog on this day. Many of the photos come from historic postings on FB. Shrug. They put them out in public, I like them! I share them. Everyone knows I didn't take them!

Went to a pot luck lunch that the residents had here. I didn't eat a hot dog. But nibbled at other things and desert of banana pudding with lots of cool-whip!

Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022

Thoughts go to 43 years ago when I gave birth to my youngest son. I raised him alone, since his father wasn't in the picture. And I had a community of my friends and church groups who offered many activities for us to do...as well as good teachers in different schools. I moved frequently, since I was trying to support us and jobs for my skills were sometimes difficult to find. Finally I found I had a knack for helping senior citizens.. By then of course he'd moved on in his adult life. It really was hard for him growing up, and I have that regret, of moving and having to make new friends over and over. But he's now got friends from his young adulthood which stay in touch with him. I'm glad of that. And I'm very proud of the man he now is, with a great job, a wonderful wife, and two little animal pets, and their own home in CO. Yes, I've dedicated a blog to him on Sept. 4.

Neighbor's cat visiting for a drink of water. She didn't tongue it up like most cats, but stuck her chin in the water and then tried several times to swallow. I wonder if her collar is too tight. I'll mention it to her "benefactor" who feeds her (she used to be totally feral.)

Today's quote:

In the past, I have been a cloud, river and the air. And I was a rock. I was the minerals in the water. This is not a question of belief in reincarnation. This is the history of life on earth.

Thich Nhat Hanh, 


  1. Hello,
    It is nice reading about your days, blogging is a lot like keeping a written journal or diary. It is nice getting out to lunch with your friends. Cute photo of you and your friend. I am glad you found a car you like, I hope all goes well. The cat is a cutie. Take care, enjoy your and the week ahead.

    1. Good morning to you, my early bird friend. Thanks so much for commenting. Wishing you a good day and week also!

  2. ...buying a different car is never a fun project and these days it's worse.

  3. Good idea to take potential cars to your mechanic. That cat is beautiful

    1. Well, I am trying to avoid major problems in the next few months. She's a grey tuxedo, the first I've ever seen.

  4. I think that collar on the kitty cat is a bit tight too. I hope you get to talk to her "benefactor." Love that quote.

    1. I saw her again today. She's used to me enough, if I stand still, she will walk right on past me, as if I'm one of the trees. Still haven't seen her owner yet.

  5. Looking for a car is no fun, but at least you found one and had good people to help. Hope the rest of the process goes smoothly. And the rest of your week sounds delightful. I hope you are still wearing your tiara!

    1. Ha ha...I did give the tiara to a grandmother who has lots of little ones who will enjoy it. Just checked on the car, and will hear when it's ready by a phone call, maybe by the end of this week.

  6. Barbara, Happy Birthday! Looks like a nice gathering of friends... I had such a gathering a couple of years ago at a Mexican restaurant. It wasn't as nice as your party. The restaurant slapped a dirty Mexican sombrero on my head...it's used for all the birthdays...and our waitress smeared chocolate on my face. Not a happy camper! It will be nice for you to be mobile again and not have to rely on friends. As for the cat, my wife would spoil that one! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Yes, the old sombrero has been replaced at least...chocolate on your face! No way! That's terrible. Their singing was much to be desired. But everyone on the whole patio wished me a happy birthday. Whew. Now for another year of peace!

  7. A bit late 🎂birthday wishes, Barbara, and what a nice gathering of friends to help you celebrate, loved your tiara too😀 Looking for a car, especially a good used one, is always a process and it was good to read about helpful friends and a good mechanic to make the chore easier. My husband bought a newer used car last Dec, and did it from the lot of the local Jeep dealer. So far, all has been OK.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.