Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, September 19, 2022

Blog-full of BOG

If Blogger has somehow become bogged down on this blog site...I'll just take my business elsewhere.

I've noticed before that some blogs take longer to load...not just WordPress kind, not just those with big wonderful photos which must have huge files...

So I'm sending you over to the blog that I have not been using since the spring...

Living in Black Mountain.

And I'll try to open your blogs from there, so I can still make comments. I'll be looking for your comments here, and may make replies. We'll see how much time that takes!

In 2012 my anniversary of When I was 69!

And I left pottery about the time COVID came along...2-1/2 years ago now.

Comment on 9/20/22 - finally blogger is loading this blog in 3 seconds again. Too late.

I'm over at Living in Black Mountain! Come on by, put me on your list, and comment if you'd like!


  1. Hello,
    I have not been having any problems with my blog or commenting, knock on wood. Take care, have a great new week!

    1. It's funny, this one still took me 20 seconds to open, and I think the other one also is doing the same slow load. Sad day when I'd rather be outside.

  2. No moderation on. Some kink is still in the works. I'll go look for your comment.

    1. The comments also are taking about the count of 20 to load. Geese Louise!

  3. I can tell you that this post and your previous one took a long time to load today, but it might be my internet, which takes a nap every now and again. I think I already get you other blog.

  4. Suzi here....And here I was blaming my MacBook! Blogger/Google is still being mean about my logging in! We're, grasshopper............we'll see............

  5. What I've been noticing the last couple of days is that I have to open a new tab if I'm refreshing my reading list. Otherwise it says I have no blogs I follow.

    And another one that's published several times in the last day and a half hasn't updated in the list.

  6. Barbara, I have "blog moderation" on on my blog as I have been getting some spam comments lately. so I have to approve each comment before it can post. I'm sure hackers are at work trying to mess up Blogger, but the same has happened on other platforms like Wordpress. Blogspot is free so at least we are not paying big money to keep our blogs open. A few people I know closed their blogs recently as they were getting too expensive to maintain.

  7. It took a while for this comment screen to open. I waited and waited. It takes a while for me to open New Dharma Bums and comment there too. Something has definitely changed with blogger.

  8. Have had commenting problems on Blogger for some time - either finding that my comments on blogs have been marked as anonymous or that others on mine have been. This week a new problem with sidebar links in my follow list has appeared, and I can see it on other blogs too. It seems to be something to do with with live feeds and http/https issues.


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