Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Friday, August 26, 2022

Sitting on a bench by a lake

 Some days this is the best thing to do. I also took a few pics of us, and the ducks!

Since I'm still carless, my friend H. took me for a ride and an enjoyable sit by the lake.

An egret came to check out the ducks' favorite area. ducks kind of gave him right of way.

We liked this mixed breed female.

Then her mate came along and got her to come with him. This was at Charles D. Owen Park in Swannanoa NC.

It seems I add something at the last minute a lot these days. Yesterday I accepted that my old car was now the property of the insurance company, and cleared out all my meager belongings in the impound lot. I also went to my savings bank and got a check made out to me, so I can easily put it towards the purchase of another car, once that insurance check arrives.

Today's quote:

"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost." Gustave Flaubert


  1. ...as I get older, I appreciate benches more!

    1. Me too! But not for very long. This one left my feet dangling because it was so high from the ground. They were busy falling asleep before I staggered around when I got up!

  2. Looks like a good bench to frequent

    1. This is my friend's favorite lake...and she admits she used to live near it.

  3. Hello,
    A bench with a view of the lake, ducks and egret would be a happy space for me. Love the photos. I hope all goes well with the new car search. Take care, have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks. It was a most enjoyable short respite from my real life.

  4. Not much beats a bench with a friend by a lake - and ducks.

    1. Yes, and I do hope to continue doing that regularly.

  5. It was nice of your friend to take you out.

    1. I've been really fortunate that friends are helping me these days.

  6. That's a simple and lovely way to spend time. Ducks, egrets, water, company, no driving, great.

    1. Oh but I miss the driving. When I get another car, you better believe I'll be doing little treks here and there just to enjoy the views.

  7. What a lovely way to spend some time with a friend. Love the view there.

  8. Sitting on a bench by a lake seems idyllic to me! You look content!

  9. Sitting by a lake and watching ducks s such a calming thing to do.

  10. Barbara, It's great that you have friends like that. I'm not too good at sitting and relaxing but I do pretty well with it if I've got ducks or other critters to watch. Good luck with your replacement auto search. The good news is that used car prices are starting to drop. Take Care, Big Daddy Dav

    1. She is indeed a special friend, as many of my friends are who are helping me out. I'm hoping that lower car prices will be available about the time that check arrives.

  11. It looks like a good spot to spend time in.

  12. That looks like a lovely place to sit.


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