Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Gratitude, depression, and wonderment

Reposting this description of a meditation. I was feeling depressed, and certainly not liking myself today (note, some weeks agao)..so looked for past uses of gratitude. Thinking I wouldn't have to rewrite my gratitude list, which usually helps me get out of depression. So I think I'll try this meditation from Jan 4, '21...it's nice and slow and doesn't require much effort...


I was not following any guidance when meditating the other day...just had some background music going. Looking out the window at the fog as it lifted, first only being able to see the top of a power pole at Hwy. 70, then slowly having the ridge line of the mountain appear. The fog remained in the middle between these two points, a valley full of cloud. Somewhere down there the little Swannanoa River wanders back and forth through the valley that carries its name.

Some days my meditation just comes to me. Today, gratitude was top of my list.

Often meditation starts with deep breaths. And then awareness of parts of the body...starting with the feet, legs and going up each part. But today I started with my heart, then lungs. And from there I focused on each of the systems of my body...muscles, nerves, skin etc. I almost forgot the digestive and kidneys/bladder systems. I did remember hair and finger nails.  

Anyway, it was good to be grateful for all the wonderful pieces that make up this pie called Barbara. What amazing things homo sapiens are.

My winter-time view of the mountains.

And the summertime view out my living room windows.

Today's quote:

Moving in the flow of compassion and deepening enquiry,
we engage with all beings in ways that support the integrity,
the stability and the beauty of the entire living world.

Engaging with this [flow] of birthing/dying living,
embracing it, surrendering to it, [we find that] the mystery
is tremendously integrated.
It is extraordinarily stable.  It has been in action for
billions of years.  It is breath-stoppingly beautiful in
all its vulnerability...

My medicine is wonderment...

Tarchin Hearn


  1. Lovely views, it is good meditation helps you. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Feeling peaceful in nature is much the same as meditation to me.

  2. ...unfortunately there a lot to be be depressed about. For me a good night's sleep helps.

    1. You said it...there are some nights...well, we all know about those! Nothing like waking up fully rested!

  3. Hoping today is a better day for you.

    1. I did wake up lazy today...nowhere to go. Just focusing on things here in the apt. Great to have windows open to fresh air until almost noon.

  4. That is a good meditation, similar to the short one we sometimes use by Vidyamala Burch of Breathworks

    1. Great to hear about Breathworks...there is so much energy in our breaths, prana.

  5. Some swear by meditation, but I just swear at it. 🤓

  6. I love what you wrote: it was good to be grateful for all the wonderful pieces that make up this pie called Barbara. That's a beautiful mantra.

    1. Well, a pie walking around today. Grateful that I can still do so!

  7. Depression is my burden. It comes and goes, but I'll live with it the rest of my life.

    1. I have a very dear friend with Major Depression. It can really interfere with her life sometimes. I hope you have support systems in place.

    2. I see a therapist every few weeks. And I find music helps push back against it when it shows itself.

      Certain things trigger it without fail- the Christmas season is one. I always feel better around the 27th or 28th of December.

    3. That is a true trigger for many of us...those holidays should be just skipped. Wouldn't that be nice? Music? Do you play or write?

    4. Just listen. Jazz and classical music tend to be my go to for dealing with it.

    5. Thanks for sharing about what works for you...I love both of those kinds of music, and usually have something like that going in the background while I'm working at the computer. Right now I'm kind of down because I had to say goodbye to a good friend, my little car that I'd driven for 6 years. It has really affected me with the loss of having transportation readily available...and when I cleaned it out I almost cried...as I feel now just writing about it. Wow, I was pretty attached to it!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.