Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, August 18, 2022

More weekend vacation pics

 It wasn't very far away for me, less than an hour's drive to the cabin. But the environment said sanctuary in the woods! No other cars, people, planes trains or mules. One bear however...but he walked past the cabin and on his way into more woods. Oh, did I mention the mountainous terrain? The drive became more switchbacks and roller-coaster deep hills down then up, and finally a gravel stretch where I'd have preferred a 4 wheel drive vehicle! Once there in our well dusted cars we had paved driveway and parking at the cabin! But we just unloaded the perishables from my car, parked it and went back to Asheville Airport in the van. This was Fri. night, and the van had just driven from Columbus OH.

After picking up the two from CO at the airport, by myself and the three who had driven down from OH, we had a quick delicious dinner at a Japanese restaurant (don't remember the name) where tapas were served with Ramen bowls. It was delicious and everyone shared together.

This is a Ramen burger...the noodles squished into bun shape, then fried, with a stick of onion rings filled with pork meat chunks.

I liked my fried avocado balls...a ball of seafood spicy stuff on a slice of avocado with an incredible fried crust...no skin! Edamame of course, and fried tofu in the back ground.

NOTE: After comments asked what the restaurant name was, I found it on Google Maps...in case you're ever in Asheville...it's Itto's Ramen Bar and Japanese Tapas.

Then off to the woods, where we met the Florida four waiting in a car at the gate to the community of houses/cabins. They had rented a car after flying to Charlotte NC.

The table was nicely set, with cute glassware from NC spots

Early Saturday morning waiting for everyone to get ready for going out...water falls after checking out the "pond" or maybe Lake George.

Today's Quote: 
I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat. -Rebecca West, author and journalist (21 Dec 1892-1983)


  1. What restaurant was that? It sounds amazing.

    1. I'm working on that, it's near the airport on Airport Rd, on side across from Target and Walmart. Small strip of course. I've got an email in to my D-I-L who found it. I can also try looking at restaurants in the area. Another friend wants the name too!

    2. Found on Google map...Itto Ramen Bar and Japanese Tapas!!

  2. Oh for a trip into your mountains, Barb! It would be amazing to wander around with a sketchbook and my camera.

  3. Sounds like quite a journey to that cabin. Nice to have that lovely restaurant to go to.

  4. Your family does get-togethers/reunions in very special style.

    1. It was nice that everyone split the bill...based on how many there were. I'm pretty sure that made it reasonable. It was to create a family memory, since we don't see each other together often...like 2019 was the last time and even then not everyone came.

  5. The ramen burger looks interesting! Looks like a beautiful cabin.

    1. It certainly was, and there were some left overs for lunch the next day for him! What a beautiful cabin!

  6. You had a special gathering as we did last week. THough Covid afterwards has not been fun. Others have tested negative so I'm the only one to get it.

    1. Oh that must be a relief. Nobody has reported getting sick after our weekend (yet.)

  7. Hello,
    Your family gathering sounds wonderful. I love the cabin, it is beautiful. The restaurant food looks yummy. Great fun and happy new memories for you and your family. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I certainly enjoyed myself...thanks for your good wishes too!


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