Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Some more Sepia (FB) photos!

 Sharing old photos with Sepia Saturday once again...a day late this time!

Navaho riders in Arizona's Canyon de Chilly, by Edward Curtiss, 1904

Family in Gainesville FL 1900, State of FL archives

Children in Dinton, Buckinghampshire UK, 1904

Unknown photographer....

1910 Buick

Picadilly circus in the early 1900's

Thanks to FaceBook friends for posting these sepia photos!


  1. I love the formality of some of these old photographs, with everyone dressed up for the photographer. I remember several such framed photos around the house when I was a child. Then people got their own cameras and it became a normal thing to take photos of visitors or pictures of family members whenever they were dressed up to go to weddings or such.

  2. Happy Sunday, Barbara
    What a great variety of sepia photos. The girl with the kitties is a favorite.
    Take care, have a great new week!

  3. Lovely old photos from such a long time ago.

  4. Every picture suggests a story--wonderful collection!

  5. I used to have a book of Curtis's photos. He did great work with the Native Americans. I enjoyed these old photos, thanks for sharing.

  6. So much charm. They're all delightful.

  7. Iconic images all, but the girl with kittens caught my heart. And I wholeheartedly agree with Pete Seeger's quote, as today the plastic frame of a glass shelf in my refrigerator broke, which I had already fixed before. I found a used replacement shelf on eBay for half of the retail replacement but it should never have broken in the first place.

    And thanks for the comment on my short post this weekend. It was totally the result of returning yesterday from a long road-trip vacation and I didn't have the energy for anything more.

  8. These are great photos! I like the Pete Seeger quote; he was quite a legend.

  9. A wonderful wide array of photos. I especially like the children standing beside the tot in the perambulator. But my favorite has to be the woman running from the field toward whoever that is at the top! :)

  10. A lovely selection of evocative photographs, well worth showing to us again.


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