Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Beginning the Parkway trip


We knew there would be nothing to eat available on the Blue Ridge Parkway...it's a national park after all.

So our first stop was Filo Bakery. It was too early for sandwiches, so I got an almond croissant and Helen got a gluten free muffin that has chocolate chips. I forgot the major flavor of the muffin but it was kind of orange/yellow.

We stopped to use the facilities at the Folk Art Center, and to pick up a road map. Turns out we drove 80 miles to Grandfather Mountain...though we just turned around and came home a bit quicker way.

I didn't say we drove without stopping!! We made our decisions as we felt like it.

Slowly we'd come around a bend (there are lots of them) and see some color!

Today's quote:
We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming. -Wernher von Braun, rocket scientist (23 Mar 1912-1977)


  1. Hello,
    The parkway drive looks lovely, beautiful views. I like your new header photo. It is nice they have facilities open, for a long time they were closed due to Covid. Take care, enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. You don't suffer from a lack of scenery down thataway.

    1. I hope you don't get too bored by the mountains, sky and trees!

  3. Didn't realize you were so close to the Blue Ridge Parkway. My sister lives north of you in VA very close to the parkway, too.

    1. Yes, I'm about a half mile from the closest entrance to the BRP. That's great that your sister lives near it in VA.

    2. I just thought about it...we're probably 10 miles from the entrance, since it's about 6 miles to Swannanoa.

  4. What a beautiful drive you had there. Love the autumn colors!

    1. I've got a bunch more photos from that day. Prepare to see mountains and trees for a while!

  5. That looks like a fantastic drive and to see all the colours made it perfect.

    1. We were quite pleased with our day. Some years we've been anxious to see the color changes, and miss it because it's too early. This felt like it would be too late, but that wasn't the case.


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