Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Monday, October 4, 2021

Eleven years ago...blogaversery!

 My Alchemy of Clay started Oct. 4, 2010. And I continued with a second version to keep track of my art in clay.

I am glad I did these blogs...as many of my clay pieces sold at the Tailgate Markets of Black Mountain NC. And of course I gave away a few as presents to families and friends.

Monday, October 4, 2010

beginnings come from endings

There are so many beginnings, endings, changes.  Almost everything in the following pictures has been sold...

Alchemy of clay...new blog.  Celebration of the elemental nature of clay sculptures and pots.  Knowing a possible joyful surprise can come out of the kiln, or a grotesque mistake that I couldn't possibly have created.  Both are possible.  When I studied ceramics in the 80's, I learned to expect anything.  I made things with reverence, thinking "everything is holy" and then released them, thinking "nothing is holy."

I'm dealing with knowing I'm the Crone.  Hecate, the guide, the wise one who can give directions when asked by others.  Unfortunately most everyone doesn't ask.  Most everyone is in a rush, using GPS, or just wishing slow old me would get out of their way.  Some even say "excuse me" as they run around me to ...whatever.

I'm so glad I survived to still be writing this, being 79 little, (er 39 years) old now! My 80-something year old friend Bette says to think I'm 39 and that way I'll feel younger!  And 11 years ago I was just 69...thus the beginning of my blog by that name!

Now I no longer produce clay objects, but my home is surrounded by my favorites! 

Today I had a weird experience though, letting me know that I'm definitely an elder! I usually have my pills in two little boxes, one for morning, one for evening. But when I got up this morning, I found only the pills from night still there. So I took them, since I must have taken the morning ones again last night. Interesting that I didn't suffer too many strange dreams. 

So I didn't take the one that's supposed to help me go to sleep! Now the question I'm pondering is, since I had a double dose of the morning pills yesterday, do I need to take them again this morning? I'll ask somebody in the medical profession...and I just did. Our nurse looked at my chart and said it wouldn't hurt to take the morning ones again!


  1. That's life...."joyful surprises" and "grotesque mistakes". May we all go on making both for a long time to come!

  2. Hello,
    Happy Blog-anniversary! I am happy to have found and to read your blogs.
    I took a double dose of one of my pills by mistake, luckily it says the total Mg was still safe.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

    1. Guess stumbling with pills is now part of my life!

  3. Replies
    1. I'll be here in the morning..."the Lord willing and the creek don't rise"...as they say in these mountains.

  4. Replies
    1. I've kept a couple of blogs going still, and let many die a natural death.

  5. Happy Blogaversary! I'm glad you checked with your doc about taking the morning pills twice and glad all is okay.
    About aging... I am the age you were when you started this blog, and Roger is the age you are now. An interesting and sweet connection!

    1. Yes, and yet ages seem less important as our years seem so short and sometimes go on forever.

  6. Happy anniversary! I've been blogging since 2008 but never remember to note the anniversary of the first post. My daughter got me started but she has long since given up her blog and only posts now on Instagram. I like your new header photo!

    1. Thanks Marcia...glad to know how long you've been here in blogland...it's been more fun recently getting to have real conversations in comments.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I always enjoyed seeing your creations--especially the poppies.

    1. THanks so much. Me too, I kept some of them since I enjoy them so much!

  8. Happy Anniversary. I reckon blogging keeps us young.

    1. It must have something to do with it, a good reason as any to get up and go out looking for things to take photo of.

  9. A very impressive achievement!! Happy Anniversary!

    1. THanks so much Bill. I'm not celebrating doing much of anything differently.


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