Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Waiting for test results

Fever for two days.
Had to drop out of Ornish until I get a negative test result.

Yesterday I dragged my feverish self to two sites doing Covid-19 tests, in your car. But they both were doing it only by appointment. Fortunately the second one said I needed to get tested, and if I could wait around a while, they would be glad to give me the test.

That was our new urgent care center right here in Black Mountain. I gave them my insurance information, so they said I was now in their system.

I watched the first 15 cars as they each got their tests. I had been asked to pull over to the side until there was a lull. And it finally happened.

They said it would be 2-6 days for results. They would text me if it was negative. They would call if it was positive. There's nothing available in writing, which I need to have in order to return to the Ornish Cardiac Rehabilitation program.  I do hope it's negative, and then I'll call the Urgent Care Clinic and ask how to get it in writing.

In the mean time, I've listened to a digital book checked out from the library. I haven't felt like cooking or cleaning up the kitchen, but was glad I stashed some vegetarian soup in the freezer back when we first started isolating.  It's pretty good. I haven't done the Ornish Program tracking, because I haven't really eaten much at all, nor exercised. I have stayed happily in bed, alternating between taking my temperature and taking Tylenol. It's never been very high, so I'm thinking this is just another flu. But how I caught it is kind of awkward. I've worn my mask everywhere.

Perhaps from touching things in the pharmacy or the grocery store...and then forgetting to sanitize my hands when I got home. Oh well. I'm sick. I'm not a detective. I am tired. And yesterday I slept all afternoon after not sleeping well the prior night. Last night was much better, so I haven't slept at all today. So I'm saying goodnight, and hoping tomorrow will bring good news.

Stay safe y'all!

Post Script:
At around 8:15 this morning I got the text that said my test results were negative for Covid-19. What a relief. I went right back to sleep. I still feel about 50% of my regular self. Fever is down. I'm getting better from whatever it was. Yay!


  1. Hope all goes well.
    When you think what we carry in our own nasal passages, we can probably infect ourselves!
    It could also be that your new diet is working, in that your body is having a clear out and tidy up. The infection is a message to take it easy while your body gets on with it, with the help of your meds xx

    1. You're probably right. My body is reacting to everything with more changes now. My heart needs to receive lots of love. So tidy up it is.

  2. I hope you are having a good sleep. It's 6AM, maybe you are up already.

    1. Got the call at 8:15, which woke me up. Feel relieved, but still a bit woozy. My life now has another day to live. Yay.

  3. Hello,
    I hope it is not Covid related. Sending prayers and well wishes for you. I have heard touching things is not as bad as they thought in the beginning of covid. I hope you feel better soon and the test is negative. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen...test came in this morning, negative. So relieved. But still feeling less than my normal self. Will take another day to try to rest and recuperate.

  4. ...we are all waiting, many of us are waiting for new leadership to take control of our beloved country.

  5. Toes crossed you are up and about quickly. Don’t overdo when you are feeling better.

    1. What a wonderful word. I am pleased the test was negative, and am certainly taking it easy today still.

  6. Oh my, take care. It's a scary time when even a scratchy throat can make one worry but a fever, at any time, is nothing to make light of. Hope your are on the mend soon.

    1. I agree, Linda. Thanks for your good wishes. I am going to slowly get back to being able to do things. Fever has broken several times, and doesn't go as high after Tylenol. At least it' not Covid-19.

  7. Look after yourself. What a relief to know you haven't got that virus, at least.

  8. Good news on the tests. Take care of yourself.

  9. So glad and relieved that your test results were negative. Yay!! Take care there and I hope you start feeling better everyday!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.