Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, August 23, 2020

My 78th

This will be a quite day.

Finally out from under the weather from whatever gave me a fever, and then the meds to kill every bacteria known to medicine that might be in my body...but it's fortunately not Covid-19. That doesn't mean it couldn't be another viral infection...but hopefully next week I can get back in the loop.

I'm taking it easy now that my fever has finally broken. Just putzing around the house. Please no surprise party that would give me another heart attack! OK, I'm looking forward to a zoom meet-up with my three sons in the afternoon! Yay.

I just got the link to the Red House Gallery Virtual Exhibit, of which I'm a part. HERE.

Sharing one photo and one quote...and ok, another one too!

How does a single-celled embryo grow up to be a differentiated biological body of organs?

An embryo expands by cell division, making an exact replica of itself with all the same DNA, the same genes. But in the adult body, the cells are differentiated as to their functions. 

... The proteins a cell makes determine cellular function; the genes have the code to make the proteins. ... But the source of the programs is not part of the DNA. 

... Rupert Sheldrake (1981) has shown how nonlocal and nonphysical morphogenic fields are essential to understand biological form-making from the one-celled embryo. The instructions of form-making cell-differentiation (all cells contain the same genes, yet toe cell genes are activated very differently from brain cell genes), are nowhere to be found in the physical body, and that includes the genes (which are more or less instructions for protein-making).
—Amit Goswami
Quantum Doctor

Grateful to still be alive...now what do I do this moment of this wild and precious life?

Today's quote:
“Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down." Ray Bradbury, born Aug 22, 1920.


  1. Easy does it..and keep on keeping on! xx

    1. So glad to hear from you, both here and over on FB. It's so good to have a community of friends that support me in going forward. Thanks.

  2. Happy Birthday Barbara! It is sad you are not able to get there and celebrate. I am glad you are feeling better and you did not have Covid. Take care, enjoy your special day! Wishing you a great new week!

    1. Me too, glad I'm feeling better and didn't catch Covid. Whew. That' twice I've been tested (the first time in the hospital before they would do the heart surgery) and found negative. May it always be so!

  3. ...happy birthday, I'm right behind you!

    1. OK, You're a Virgo then, like my youngest son. Hooray!

  4. Happy Birthday. Mine is coming up fast. I am 5 years younger.
    You have been so careful that I wonder how you could have contracted a virus.

    1. I always could tell you were just a youngster...ha ha. It was probably a bacteria, which responded to the antibiotic. but with my lungs being so weak to start with, I want to be careful to not have pneumonia. I think we beat the beast this time.

  5. Happy happy birthday to you, Barbara. I love the Ray Bradbury quote. Yes, building our wings! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Robin...he was quite a guy too. Wings will certainly take us to new frontiers.

  6. Happy Birthday! Great quotes today. Have you read Rupert Sheldrake's book on dog telepathy experiments? Amazing stuff.

    1. Thanks, Sabine...no, never heard of dog telepathy experiments. I have probably read something of his though. His name keeps coming up.

  7. Happy Birthday, Barbara. It's my 40th wedding anniversary today, we share a great day.

    1. Congrats to the Burkes! So sweet to know you chose my birthday to get married (I've had it a while before you did!) 40 years ago I was jumping into a new chapter of my life with being a single mom and planning to go back to college!

  8. Happy Birthday! I'm so glad it wasn't Covid. Also, I like your haircut! I may go shorter too if I ever go back to the hair cutter

    1. Thanks so much Vicki, for your comments here and over on FB. I like this short hair, though it was kind of fun having all that fluffy stuff before the cut.

  9. I offer my congratulations too, and I wish you many more happy days to come.


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